Please notice in Revelation 5:1, He Who Sat on the Throne has in His Right Hand, the hand which in scripture is the designation of all might and power, a book. Now notice that this book is written within and on the back side. There is nothing in the story of that little book that is not accounted for in our Fathers omniscient wisdom and appointed foreknowledge. And that of course is because He wrote the book of all creation!!! And we definitely don’t want to skip the back, the last page!! And it is sealed with seven seals. Seven speaks of the absolute authority of God, His Sovereign Power, Knowledge, and Vision over all things. The seven seals here are speaking of the precious work of the Holy Spirit, for no human god lust can open the book or even take a peek into it, no matter what new and improved crystal ball we may be using. Human knowledge will always devise some “understanding” that fits with in its god-lust. And that brings to mind 2 Corinthians 2:11 "the things of God knows no man, but the Spirit of God." (As we shall see later, it is the Lamb that prevails to open the book, but there is no Understanding nor benefit of that opening apart from the God given Understanding, which is His Spirit. 1 John 5:20)
But praise God, John is not left weeping. One of the elders says unto him, " weep not, for behold The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has prevailed to open the book and a loose the seven seals thereof." This book is the book written to display the Father's Pleasure in His Perfect Beautiful Son through the operation of His Glorious Spirit. Is that a stretch? Not when you behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ! (2 Corinthians 4:4-6) You see, this book is entitled "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." This book is the prophetic and spiritual proclamation the Second Adam, the Life-giving Spirit, and His new creation, and His gathering His Bride together for that incredible marriage supper of the Lamb of Rev. 19:6-9. All else in the book, that which we sadly spend most of our time wondering about, without this view of the Victorious Lamb foremost in our minds, all else is but a temporary footnote to this Purpose and Will of the Father to gather together in One all things in Christ, that is, in His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.( Ephesians 1:9-10)