The Self Righteous Need Not Apply, but Beggars Can’t Be Losers!
Matt. 7:1-12
I. Matt. 7:1-6 The issue of judging another. Jesus antidote to Pharisaism!!! A. The word: #2919-krino To distinguish, to decide (mentally or judicially). As a verb, krino means “to distinguish, choose, give an opinion upon, judge,” sometimes denotes “to condemn”-Acts 13:27; Rom. 2:27. In our text, it is the “condemn” meaning our Lord is using. See Luke 6:37. The context determines its meaning!
1. Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee & the tax collector—The curse of self righteous comparison. The Pharisee’s standard of judgment was merely his own estimation of himself! Beware, the flesh so easily gets caught up in this kind of measurement! a. Matt. 7:2 The Pharisee’s standard of judgment, his measuring stick, is his own estimation of himself. He doesn’t know his own heart! Notice the result in Luke 18:14- the judge becomes the judged!! The only measure of judgment Kingdom people are to use is the Righteous Jesus, in Whose Presence ours is filthy rags. Our measure is never to be our conception of our “maturity”, whether of what we know or what we no longer do. b. Matt. 7:3-5 Hypocrisy always grows out of looking at the wrong thing. This is the danger of a Christianity that focuses on doing rather than being. Our vision is to be continually on Jesus (Heb 12:1-2), all that He Is, all He has done, and all that He Is doing!!! The Holy Spirit specializes in removing planks!!! Without Him, we only get out a few splinters. Flesh will not destroy flesh! c. Matt. 7:6 The Lord’s words on condemnatory judging do not eliminate Spiritual discernment! An ignoring of the Parable of the Soils and an “indiscriminate evangelism” is in danger of this warning. Many churches have been trampled and torn in pieces by casting the pearls of true doctrine before those who have no ears. Some pigs only want blankets for comfort and ease! Beware.
II. Matt. 7:7-12 The heart attitude of true “Beatitude People”. Judgmental people are busy telling, but not good at asking. A. Vs. 7-8 God’s Grace is ever giving, Kingdom people are ever asking!!! 1. Never forget that Matt. 5:3-10 is always the context of Jesus’ words!!! Only the babes of Matt. 11:25-26 can ask in this way. Remember James 4:1-6. 2. Notice the “everyone” in verse 8—do we believe it? We are all too often afraid to ask because we think we will be disappointed. We need to learn to ask in obedience to God’s Word. B. Vs. 9-11 This asking requires a solid belief in the Father’s Goodness!! 1. Heb. 11:3 Remember this requirement of faith—He rewards the diligent seekers. 2. Luke 11:9-13 Luke suggests the Fathers’ greatest Gift—the Holy Spirit. Since every thing depends upon the indwelling Spirit, ask continually for a greater measure of the Spirit. C. Vs. 12 The Golden Rule of Eternal Life!! Luke 6:38 Luke spreads out the Sermon and gives a positive take on the measure of Mt. 7:2. Live by Luke’s emphasis!
Matt. 7:1-12
I. Matt. 7:1-6 The issue of judging another. Jesus antidote to Pharisaism!!! A. The word: #2919-krino To distinguish, to decide (mentally or judicially). As a verb, krino means “to distinguish, choose, give an opinion upon, judge,” sometimes denotes “to condemn”-Acts 13:27; Rom. 2:27. In our text, it is the “condemn” meaning our Lord is using. See Luke 6:37. The context determines its meaning!
1. Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee & the tax collector—The curse of self righteous comparison. The Pharisee’s standard of judgment was merely his own estimation of himself! Beware, the flesh so easily gets caught up in this kind of measurement! a. Matt. 7:2 The Pharisee’s standard of judgment, his measuring stick, is his own estimation of himself. He doesn’t know his own heart! Notice the result in Luke 18:14- the judge becomes the judged!! The only measure of judgment Kingdom people are to use is the Righteous Jesus, in Whose Presence ours is filthy rags. Our measure is never to be our conception of our “maturity”, whether of what we know or what we no longer do. b. Matt. 7:3-5 Hypocrisy always grows out of looking at the wrong thing. This is the danger of a Christianity that focuses on doing rather than being. Our vision is to be continually on Jesus (Heb 12:1-2), all that He Is, all He has done, and all that He Is doing!!! The Holy Spirit specializes in removing planks!!! Without Him, we only get out a few splinters. Flesh will not destroy flesh! c. Matt. 7:6 The Lord’s words on condemnatory judging do not eliminate Spiritual discernment! An ignoring of the Parable of the Soils and an “indiscriminate evangelism” is in danger of this warning. Many churches have been trampled and torn in pieces by casting the pearls of true doctrine before those who have no ears. Some pigs only want blankets for comfort and ease! Beware.
II. Matt. 7:7-12 The heart attitude of true “Beatitude People”. Judgmental people are busy telling, but not good at asking. A. Vs. 7-8 God’s Grace is ever giving, Kingdom people are ever asking!!! 1. Never forget that Matt. 5:3-10 is always the context of Jesus’ words!!! Only the babes of Matt. 11:25-26 can ask in this way. Remember James 4:1-6. 2. Notice the “everyone” in verse 8—do we believe it? We are all too often afraid to ask because we think we will be disappointed. We need to learn to ask in obedience to God’s Word. B. Vs. 9-11 This asking requires a solid belief in the Father’s Goodness!! 1. Heb. 11:3 Remember this requirement of faith—He rewards the diligent seekers. 2. Luke 11:9-13 Luke suggests the Fathers’ greatest Gift—the Holy Spirit. Since every thing depends upon the indwelling Spirit, ask continually for a greater measure of the Spirit. C. Vs. 12 The Golden Rule of Eternal Life!! Luke 6:38 Luke spreads out the Sermon and gives a positive take on the measure of Mt. 7:2. Live by Luke’s emphasis!