What Serving God Looks Like Matt. 6:25-34
I. Revisiting 6:24: Mammon #3126 is an Aramaic word for riches but is closely tied to the Hebrew word for “to be firm or steadfast”, which is most often translated “that which may be trusted.” Fleshing out “mammon”, we have riches, the most often focus of safety & security, whether you have riches or not, but mammon includes any earthly haven that is the focus of our trust. People who are desperate for riches and earthly security are often under its mastery more than those who already have them. Our Lord’s point is that we can’t have it both ways. We can’t be seeking earthly resources as our peace and safety and serve the Lord at the same time.
II. Vs. 25-34 Here’s what trusting God looks like!
Vs. 25 Note the “therefore”. He has made the vs 24 statement and it leads to all that follows. 1. He begins with the basics of life, just as in 6:11. There it is “give us this day our daily bread.” Here it is concern for food and clothing. He isn’t talking to people with 3 bedroom houses. He is talking about our basic needs, our basic insecurities. 2. Even for the poorest of humans, Jesus is saying that there is so much more to life than where the next meal is coming from. He is preparing us for vs 33.
Vs. 26 Here’s a bit of “bird theology”!!! Wouldn’t you love to be free as a bird? Jesus commands us to be “bird watchers”—“Look at the birds of the air”. 1. Consider the Lord’s provision for birds: Their food source is directly from our Heavenly Father’s Hand! And here I thought it was my bird feeder! Ps. 84:1-4 Where is the sparrow’s home, where is the swallow’s nest? It is in the altar of worship to the Lord of Hosts! Their “place” in this world is that of continual worship to their Creator!!! Matt.10:29-31 KJV “and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.” It isn’t just that He notices His creatures death and dying, I think there is in some sense, “a Divine Embrace” of this groaning of creation as Romans 8:19-22 says. He is storing up this “death groan” unto that day when all things will be made new, in that day when Righteousness again brings joy and peace to His Creation!!! Do not take our Father’s creatures for granted! 2. Vs. 31 Here is Bird Theology’s lesson from all of this--Do not fear therefore!!! If our Father has such concern for His birds, how much more is He with His children in all their needs and trials, who are created in His Image!!!
Vs. 27 He chooses a seemingly silly example of the futility of worry. I gave up on this a long time ago. My 5’6” is now down to 5’5” and shrinking. Worry changes nothing, except our peace and joy and maybe our health!
Vs 28-30 Have you ever paid attention to the intricacy and beauty of weeds? How about wild flowers? Again, they are all intricate parts of God’s design, His Masterful landscaping on this earth. 1. Vs. 28—Here again, the lilies of the field don’t add their 2 cents to God’s handiwork. They are what they are and radiate the beauty that reflects His Character and Attributes. (See Romans 1:19-20) You don’t have to travel to the Rockies to see the Grandeur of our God! 2. Vs 29 Are you afraid that God only shops at Dollar General? His Lilies and grasses make Solomons’ silver and gold trimmed royal robes look like thrift store rejects!!! To trust our Father’s provision isn’t a sentence to a life of black and gray!!! 3. Vs. 30 “O you of little faith”. #3640 “You of puny conviction”. “Used only by the Lord as a tender rebuke.” Lk. 12:28, Mt. 8:26, 14:31, 16:8
Vs 31 Here’s another “therefore”. Considering our Father’s tender care for His “insignificant” creation (all too often in our thinking), therefore do not worry about the basic stuff of our earthly existence.
Vs. 32 For this pursuit of food and clothing—that is heathen/gentile thinking!!! The way of the world is to be consumed with necessities, and of course, creating new necessities! 1. Here is the key point! For your Heavenly Father knows that you need ALL THESE THINGS!!! Remember 6:8? Our Heavenly Father is Lovingly Omniscient!!! This also means that we must learn to take NO for His answer at times. FATHER KNOWS BEST!!!
Vs. 33 Here is the key verse!!! We are to be consumed with His Kingdom, that is, His rule in our lives, the subject of His Prayer in 6:9-13. 1. Rom. 14:17 The kingdom of God isn’t in visible things, duties or rules. It is manifested in righteousness, peace and joy IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. Now note vs. 18, “For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by man”. Isa. 32:17, Ps.34:14 2. It’s all about “who is your master.” We have bought into the lie of the garden. We are consumed with fig leaves. Our Father would have us consumed with His rule and reign in our lives, seeing His Hand in all that concerns us. His Kingdom isn’t sometime in the future. It is here and now in the hearts of His People. We probably aren’t seeing it as we should, marveling at it’s glory, because we are not seeking it!!! 3. Oh, and by the way, all that stuff that all too often consumes us, it shall be provided. In other words, don’t sweat the small stuff. Your Father is way ahead of you. He knows what you have need of from all eternity, and He has all resources necessary to meet those needs. Phil. 4:19!!!
Vs. 34 Here’s is the final “therefore”, the conclusion of all Jesus has said—“therefore do not worry about tomorrow”. 1. This verse isn’t saying that we will have plenty to worry about tomorrow. Jesus is saying that each day has plenty of worry opportunities to keep the heathen busy, but His people are kingdom people. Each day is another opportunity to exhibit trust in the Most High God Who intimately knows the needs of His people and gives good gifts to His children!
Final Warning: The heathen notion of “mother nature”, evolution, and all the other anxiety causing lies, have invaded our thinking in subtle ways. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind to the Creator context of all things. Learn to live in Wonder and Adoration of our Great God and King as exhibited in His Handiwork that surrounds us. Consider the birds and the lilies. They don’t worry!!!
I. Revisiting 6:24: Mammon #3126 is an Aramaic word for riches but is closely tied to the Hebrew word for “to be firm or steadfast”, which is most often translated “that which may be trusted.” Fleshing out “mammon”, we have riches, the most often focus of safety & security, whether you have riches or not, but mammon includes any earthly haven that is the focus of our trust. People who are desperate for riches and earthly security are often under its mastery more than those who already have them. Our Lord’s point is that we can’t have it both ways. We can’t be seeking earthly resources as our peace and safety and serve the Lord at the same time.
II. Vs. 25-34 Here’s what trusting God looks like!
Vs. 25 Note the “therefore”. He has made the vs 24 statement and it leads to all that follows. 1. He begins with the basics of life, just as in 6:11. There it is “give us this day our daily bread.” Here it is concern for food and clothing. He isn’t talking to people with 3 bedroom houses. He is talking about our basic needs, our basic insecurities. 2. Even for the poorest of humans, Jesus is saying that there is so much more to life than where the next meal is coming from. He is preparing us for vs 33.
Vs. 26 Here’s a bit of “bird theology”!!! Wouldn’t you love to be free as a bird? Jesus commands us to be “bird watchers”—“Look at the birds of the air”. 1. Consider the Lord’s provision for birds: Their food source is directly from our Heavenly Father’s Hand! And here I thought it was my bird feeder! Ps. 84:1-4 Where is the sparrow’s home, where is the swallow’s nest? It is in the altar of worship to the Lord of Hosts! Their “place” in this world is that of continual worship to their Creator!!! Matt.10:29-31 KJV “and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.” It isn’t just that He notices His creatures death and dying, I think there is in some sense, “a Divine Embrace” of this groaning of creation as Romans 8:19-22 says. He is storing up this “death groan” unto that day when all things will be made new, in that day when Righteousness again brings joy and peace to His Creation!!! Do not take our Father’s creatures for granted! 2. Vs. 31 Here is Bird Theology’s lesson from all of this--Do not fear therefore!!! If our Father has such concern for His birds, how much more is He with His children in all their needs and trials, who are created in His Image!!!
Vs. 27 He chooses a seemingly silly example of the futility of worry. I gave up on this a long time ago. My 5’6” is now down to 5’5” and shrinking. Worry changes nothing, except our peace and joy and maybe our health!
Vs 28-30 Have you ever paid attention to the intricacy and beauty of weeds? How about wild flowers? Again, they are all intricate parts of God’s design, His Masterful landscaping on this earth. 1. Vs. 28—Here again, the lilies of the field don’t add their 2 cents to God’s handiwork. They are what they are and radiate the beauty that reflects His Character and Attributes. (See Romans 1:19-20) You don’t have to travel to the Rockies to see the Grandeur of our God! 2. Vs 29 Are you afraid that God only shops at Dollar General? His Lilies and grasses make Solomons’ silver and gold trimmed royal robes look like thrift store rejects!!! To trust our Father’s provision isn’t a sentence to a life of black and gray!!! 3. Vs. 30 “O you of little faith”. #3640 “You of puny conviction”. “Used only by the Lord as a tender rebuke.” Lk. 12:28, Mt. 8:26, 14:31, 16:8
Vs 31 Here’s another “therefore”. Considering our Father’s tender care for His “insignificant” creation (all too often in our thinking), therefore do not worry about the basic stuff of our earthly existence.
Vs. 32 For this pursuit of food and clothing—that is heathen/gentile thinking!!! The way of the world is to be consumed with necessities, and of course, creating new necessities! 1. Here is the key point! For your Heavenly Father knows that you need ALL THESE THINGS!!! Remember 6:8? Our Heavenly Father is Lovingly Omniscient!!! This also means that we must learn to take NO for His answer at times. FATHER KNOWS BEST!!!
Vs. 33 Here is the key verse!!! We are to be consumed with His Kingdom, that is, His rule in our lives, the subject of His Prayer in 6:9-13. 1. Rom. 14:17 The kingdom of God isn’t in visible things, duties or rules. It is manifested in righteousness, peace and joy IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. Now note vs. 18, “For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by man”. Isa. 32:17, Ps.34:14 2. It’s all about “who is your master.” We have bought into the lie of the garden. We are consumed with fig leaves. Our Father would have us consumed with His rule and reign in our lives, seeing His Hand in all that concerns us. His Kingdom isn’t sometime in the future. It is here and now in the hearts of His People. We probably aren’t seeing it as we should, marveling at it’s glory, because we are not seeking it!!! 3. Oh, and by the way, all that stuff that all too often consumes us, it shall be provided. In other words, don’t sweat the small stuff. Your Father is way ahead of you. He knows what you have need of from all eternity, and He has all resources necessary to meet those needs. Phil. 4:19!!!
Vs. 34 Here’s is the final “therefore”, the conclusion of all Jesus has said—“therefore do not worry about tomorrow”. 1. This verse isn’t saying that we will have plenty to worry about tomorrow. Jesus is saying that each day has plenty of worry opportunities to keep the heathen busy, but His people are kingdom people. Each day is another opportunity to exhibit trust in the Most High God Who intimately knows the needs of His people and gives good gifts to His children!
Final Warning: The heathen notion of “mother nature”, evolution, and all the other anxiety causing lies, have invaded our thinking in subtle ways. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind to the Creator context of all things. Learn to live in Wonder and Adoration of our Great God and King as exhibited in His Handiwork that surrounds us. Consider the birds and the lilies. They don’t worry!!!