The Earth is the Lord’s
Psalm 24:1 Declares Jehovah’s Right of Ownership. The earth owes its Creator its all, its fullness.
Everything in it, about it, and from it exists for the praise and adoration of its Creator. Do you
“dwell” in it? Then Jehovah has every right to expect that you live exclusively unto His Glory.
But more than “mere” ownership, Jehovah Created the earth as a natural, observable Revelation of His Attributes, as Paul states in Romans 1:19-20:
“What may be known of God is manifest in (margin-among) them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes are CLEARLY seen, being understood by the things that are made, EVEN HIS ETERNAL POWER AND GODHEAD, so that they are without excuse.”
Note that Paul doesn’t say that God has hidden this revelation in the earth so that man has to come up with some mysterious knowledge and insight to see it, no, “His Invisible Attributes ARE CLEARLY SEEN.” No, the problem is explained in the rest of the chapter–the futility of darkened, dead hearts. But none of man’s deadness changes the fact of God’s revelation and that man is without excuse. All God needs to do at the Judgement is to display His Creation in Court!!!
Psalm 33:4-9 “The earth is FULL of the GOODNESS OF THE LORD.” The earth consistently and constantly manifests the Goodness of our Great LORD in the fact that it was Created by the Word of the LORD, and His Word is Right, and His Word is Truth, and therefore the earth “revolves on the axis” of Righteousness and Truth. It was made to function on the basis of Righteousness and Truth and therefore there is no threat of randomness nor chance in it’s Design. And Hebrews 1:3 makes it plain that this Word is the very Son of God, “the Brightness of His Glory and the Express Image of His Person”, and significantly, goes on to declare that He is ever “upholding all things by the Word of His Power.” And don’t forget that verse 2 says that this Word, this same Son is the One “through Whom He made the worlds. The dawning of each day is a declaration of The Upholding God of Righteousness and Truth–His Goodness to the sons of men!!!
Psalm 104:24 “The earth is FULL of YOUR riches”. (NKJV possessions), (manifold=exceedingly abundant) Our Creator has filled this earth with an overflowing excess of continuous evidence of His Riches. This adds a fuller meaning to our 419p–Phil. 4:19. Our needs are God’s continual beckoning to “Come see My Riches which I have stored up for you in My Creation that you may see My Eternal Glory and Fullness.” God’s material supplies are merely the threshold to the Spiritual Glories that await those who seek Him above all else.
Psalm 119:64 “The earth, O LORD, is FULL of Your Mercy.” Jehovah’s Mercy is His Attribute expressed to the “less than’s”, to those who are less than the Most High God. Remember Exodus 34:6-7, His declaration of His Name of Mercy? Praise Him that His Name is 5 parts Mercy and 2 parts Justice and Judgement, and not the other way around. Lamentations 3:22, “It is of the Lord’s Mercies that we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.” VS 32, “Though He causes grief, Yet He will show compassion according to the MULTITUDE OF HIS MERCIES.” Because this earth is created according to Righteousness and Truth, every moment of every day continues only because our God is Merciful. Every “less than” perfect word, thought, or deed on the face of the earth must be overshadowed by the Mercy of the Creator or the earth and all that is in it, especially us, would be immediately consumed. Even in Ps. 119, all of David’s expression of love and obedience of God’s Law must be wrapped in the Mercy of the Creator, for He requires Perfect Love and Obedience! Hence, His Greatest Mercy upon the earth is our Creator, Jesus!!!
Isaiah 6:3 “Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of Hosts; the WHOLE EARTH is FULL of His Glory.” Here we have the seraphim, representing the totality of the heavenly hosts, proclaiming the totality of God’s Perfections, His Absolute Holiness. In VS 4-6, we have Isaiah representing man’s proper response to this Glorious revelation–“unclean, unclean”. Humanity should be a continual “lepers cry” as we walk on God’s earth that is full of His Glory. Here is a stupendous evidence of the Merciful God. Humanity traipses upon His Glorious earth each day with no thought of the LORD of Hosts, and are not immediately consumed by that very Glory! In our fallenness, we are blind to the Glory of God, we are deaf to the music of Glory in the earth, our lips are so unclean that we cannot taste and see that the Lord is Good!(Ps 34:8) Read Paul’s further condemnation of our “glorylessness” in Rom. 1:21-26.
Isaiah 11:9 “For the earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the LORD.” Here is the blessed Prophecy of Hope. Unfortunately, it usually gets tossed exclusively into some future “millennium”. But note that vs 6-9 are surrounded of the “Root of Jesse” prophecy. This Kingdom of Peace doesn’t wait for some future fulfillment. It begins with the coming of the Root of Jesse, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Lord Jesus Christ. The lamb and the lion only lay down together in the Lamb of God Who is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, that is, the Root of Jesse. No, all is not fulfilled in the here and now, for we are promised “a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” (II Peter 3:13) At that time, the literal meaning will be fulfilled in a physical way, but for now, the literal meaning is fulfilled in a Glorious Spiritual way!
And note, “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord”. This is no hidden knowledge of the Gnostics. Remember our prophecy? In the Root of Jesse, our Creator has come to His Creation. He through Whom the worlds were made (Heb 1:1-3) is our Savior–He has come to restore His Creation. Remember the testimony of His Messiahship to John the Baptist? An integral part of it is that “the blind receive their sight—and the deaf hear.” (Matt 11:6) So too, those of the redeemed have their sight and hearing restored–that they may see and hear the Knowledge of the LORD that is full to overflowing in the earth. And I don’t mean “Theological pursuits”, I mean the AWE provoking “Wow”s that come when blind people receive their sight! God ceases to be a theological cadaver, dissected to our mind’s content. His “omni’s” become the OMNI’s of the footstools of our prostrated minds and hearts before His Glory!
And how do we approach this knowledge? Why only by, “grow in grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” ( II Pet 3:18) Remember, He Created the Heaven and earth and He knows where the knowledge of the LORD is! And such knowledge isn’t earned, we are “graced” with it!
Psalm 124:8 “Our Help is in the Name of the LORD, Who Made heaven and earth.” So here is the blessed application of all that we have said. Our Source of Help is in the Name of the LORD, Who has filled the earth with His Goodness and Riches, Who has displayed His Mercy at the waking of each new day (Lam. 3:22-23), His Glory from the rising of the sun to its setting, all of which is the Grand and Glorious display of His Knowledge Eternally revealed in His Son, Christ Jesus through Whom the worlds were made.
Psalm 146:5-6 “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob (the desperate man) for his Help, whose hope is in the LORD his God, Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, Who keeps truth forever.” Are you happy? Rejoice in this God Who is the Source of all true happiness. Do you wish to be happy? Seek this God, meditate upon Him Who Alone is the Source of true happiness. Remember, “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” Only through life in His Context will we ever find Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Psalm 24:1 Declares Jehovah’s Right of Ownership. The earth owes its Creator its all, its fullness.
Everything in it, about it, and from it exists for the praise and adoration of its Creator. Do you
“dwell” in it? Then Jehovah has every right to expect that you live exclusively unto His Glory.
But more than “mere” ownership, Jehovah Created the earth as a natural, observable Revelation of His Attributes, as Paul states in Romans 1:19-20:
“What may be known of God is manifest in (margin-among) them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes are CLEARLY seen, being understood by the things that are made, EVEN HIS ETERNAL POWER AND GODHEAD, so that they are without excuse.”
Note that Paul doesn’t say that God has hidden this revelation in the earth so that man has to come up with some mysterious knowledge and insight to see it, no, “His Invisible Attributes ARE CLEARLY SEEN.” No, the problem is explained in the rest of the chapter–the futility of darkened, dead hearts. But none of man’s deadness changes the fact of God’s revelation and that man is without excuse. All God needs to do at the Judgement is to display His Creation in Court!!!
Psalm 33:4-9 “The earth is FULL of the GOODNESS OF THE LORD.” The earth consistently and constantly manifests the Goodness of our Great LORD in the fact that it was Created by the Word of the LORD, and His Word is Right, and His Word is Truth, and therefore the earth “revolves on the axis” of Righteousness and Truth. It was made to function on the basis of Righteousness and Truth and therefore there is no threat of randomness nor chance in it’s Design. And Hebrews 1:3 makes it plain that this Word is the very Son of God, “the Brightness of His Glory and the Express Image of His Person”, and significantly, goes on to declare that He is ever “upholding all things by the Word of His Power.” And don’t forget that verse 2 says that this Word, this same Son is the One “through Whom He made the worlds. The dawning of each day is a declaration of The Upholding God of Righteousness and Truth–His Goodness to the sons of men!!!
Psalm 104:24 “The earth is FULL of YOUR riches”. (NKJV possessions), (manifold=exceedingly abundant) Our Creator has filled this earth with an overflowing excess of continuous evidence of His Riches. This adds a fuller meaning to our 419p–Phil. 4:19. Our needs are God’s continual beckoning to “Come see My Riches which I have stored up for you in My Creation that you may see My Eternal Glory and Fullness.” God’s material supplies are merely the threshold to the Spiritual Glories that await those who seek Him above all else.
Psalm 119:64 “The earth, O LORD, is FULL of Your Mercy.” Jehovah’s Mercy is His Attribute expressed to the “less than’s”, to those who are less than the Most High God. Remember Exodus 34:6-7, His declaration of His Name of Mercy? Praise Him that His Name is 5 parts Mercy and 2 parts Justice and Judgement, and not the other way around. Lamentations 3:22, “It is of the Lord’s Mercies that we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.” VS 32, “Though He causes grief, Yet He will show compassion according to the MULTITUDE OF HIS MERCIES.” Because this earth is created according to Righteousness and Truth, every moment of every day continues only because our God is Merciful. Every “less than” perfect word, thought, or deed on the face of the earth must be overshadowed by the Mercy of the Creator or the earth and all that is in it, especially us, would be immediately consumed. Even in Ps. 119, all of David’s expression of love and obedience of God’s Law must be wrapped in the Mercy of the Creator, for He requires Perfect Love and Obedience! Hence, His Greatest Mercy upon the earth is our Creator, Jesus!!!
Isaiah 6:3 “Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD of Hosts; the WHOLE EARTH is FULL of His Glory.” Here we have the seraphim, representing the totality of the heavenly hosts, proclaiming the totality of God’s Perfections, His Absolute Holiness. In VS 4-6, we have Isaiah representing man’s proper response to this Glorious revelation–“unclean, unclean”. Humanity should be a continual “lepers cry” as we walk on God’s earth that is full of His Glory. Here is a stupendous evidence of the Merciful God. Humanity traipses upon His Glorious earth each day with no thought of the LORD of Hosts, and are not immediately consumed by that very Glory! In our fallenness, we are blind to the Glory of God, we are deaf to the music of Glory in the earth, our lips are so unclean that we cannot taste and see that the Lord is Good!(Ps 34:8) Read Paul’s further condemnation of our “glorylessness” in Rom. 1:21-26.
Isaiah 11:9 “For the earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the LORD.” Here is the blessed Prophecy of Hope. Unfortunately, it usually gets tossed exclusively into some future “millennium”. But note that vs 6-9 are surrounded of the “Root of Jesse” prophecy. This Kingdom of Peace doesn’t wait for some future fulfillment. It begins with the coming of the Root of Jesse, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Lord Jesus Christ. The lamb and the lion only lay down together in the Lamb of God Who is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, that is, the Root of Jesse. No, all is not fulfilled in the here and now, for we are promised “a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” (II Peter 3:13) At that time, the literal meaning will be fulfilled in a physical way, but for now, the literal meaning is fulfilled in a Glorious Spiritual way!
And note, “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord”. This is no hidden knowledge of the Gnostics. Remember our prophecy? In the Root of Jesse, our Creator has come to His Creation. He through Whom the worlds were made (Heb 1:1-3) is our Savior–He has come to restore His Creation. Remember the testimony of His Messiahship to John the Baptist? An integral part of it is that “the blind receive their sight—and the deaf hear.” (Matt 11:6) So too, those of the redeemed have their sight and hearing restored–that they may see and hear the Knowledge of the LORD that is full to overflowing in the earth. And I don’t mean “Theological pursuits”, I mean the AWE provoking “Wow”s that come when blind people receive their sight! God ceases to be a theological cadaver, dissected to our mind’s content. His “omni’s” become the OMNI’s of the footstools of our prostrated minds and hearts before His Glory!
And how do we approach this knowledge? Why only by, “grow in grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” ( II Pet 3:18) Remember, He Created the Heaven and earth and He knows where the knowledge of the LORD is! And such knowledge isn’t earned, we are “graced” with it!
Psalm 124:8 “Our Help is in the Name of the LORD, Who Made heaven and earth.” So here is the blessed application of all that we have said. Our Source of Help is in the Name of the LORD, Who has filled the earth with His Goodness and Riches, Who has displayed His Mercy at the waking of each new day (Lam. 3:22-23), His Glory from the rising of the sun to its setting, all of which is the Grand and Glorious display of His Knowledge Eternally revealed in His Son, Christ Jesus through Whom the worlds were made.
Psalm 146:5-6 “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob (the desperate man) for his Help, whose hope is in the LORD his God, Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, Who keeps truth forever.” Are you happy? Rejoice in this God Who is the Source of all true happiness. Do you wish to be happy? Seek this God, meditate upon Him Who Alone is the Source of true happiness. Remember, “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” Only through life in His Context will we ever find Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.