George Smeaton: Christ’s Atonement According to the Apostles
The God-man, Christ Jesus, united a sinless humanity to Himself, that by entering into every part of our obligation as creatures and sinners to the law of God, He might bring in an everlasting righteousness. Until the law received its satisfaction in this two-fold respect, that is by obedience to its requirements and penalty for breaching its commands, the Supreme Judge could take no one into His Favor. The humanity Christ wore was made by Him an instrument which He used for the great purpose of bringing in the Righteousness of God or, to put the matter in a personal and concrete form, Christ Himself is the Righteousness of God. The Son of God made flesh, obedient in life and death, is our righteousness before God. The entrance of Christ’s sinless humanity with the law in His Heart became the central point of all time, to which previous ages look forward, and after ages look back.
George Smeaton: Christ’s Atonement According to the Apostles
Lost in the insanity of this Godless season is the real reason for gift giving. I mean by that, every redeemed soul on the face of this earth should fall before the Most High God and to present our gifts of thanksgiving and worship to our God Who saw fit to unite our humanity to His Deity(Col. 1:13-22, 2:9-10) in the Perfect Body of His Beloved Son (Heb.10:5-10), that we might become, by faith in Him Whom HE has Sent(John 6:29), His Eternally Adopted children(Eph.1:3-10) . Our Jesus paid our death penalty for our mocking the Perfection and Righteousness of our God by our sin, by bearing our penalty in His perfect sinless body, dying in our place, taking our sin and guilt to the grave, and rising without it and ascending victorious to the place of all authority and power at the Father's Right Hand. And because of His delighted obedience in fulfilling His Father's Will, (Ps. 40:8), He has poured out His Spirit of Adoption into our hearts, by which we can cry, "Abba Father"(Gal. 4:3-7) with confidence and worship, no matter what this evil world may throw at us! Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy Name!!! I am revisiting some of the original posts from 2011 from the Relational Theology section. So little attention is given to our Glorious God's Triunity, I wish to refocus our thinking on this foundational truth.
A God of Relationship All that the One God "does" in Eternity and time flows out of the Will of the Father (Ephesians 1:3-11), in and through the Delighted Obedience of the Son (Psalm 40:6-8, Hebrews 10:5-10, John 6:38), and by the Power of the Glorious Spirit (Genesis 1:2, Luke 1:35, John 3:5-8. The Father is the Reservoir of Perfect Will out of which the revelatory obedience of the Son flows by the Power of the Spirit of His Glory. John 1:18 states that "No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, Who IS IN the Bosom of the Father, He has declared Him." You can't get any closer than "bosom relationship". That speaks of oneness of heart, will and purpose. John 15:26 speaks of the Spirit of God as "the Spirit of Truth who proceeds (continually) from the Father." John 16:28 speaks of basically the same thing of the Son in His becoming a man like us, "I came forth from the Father and have come into the world." This is the starting point of all consideration of the God of heaven and earth. He is the ONE GOD, Eternally Alive in three persons, always in union of one essence, but ever in distinct expression of Will, Obedient Declaration, and Glorious Power, never in isolation, always in Eternal Concert in the smallest expression as well as in the most glorious creation. To see one member of the Godhead alone in any activity is to miss two thirds of the Glory of God, or more acurately, to miss the High and Holy God nearly altogether! 0 CommentsFirst Post! |
AuthorWhile I have been a pastor and Christian bookstore owner for 30 years, my only credentials are that of an old saint who followed his signature with S.S., Sinner Saved! Archives
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