AuthorWhile I have been a pastor and Christian bookstore owner for 30 years, my only credentials are that of an old saint who followed his signature with S.S., Sinner Saved! Archives
December 2023
Categories |
- In The Son of His Love--a blog
- Relational Theology 101
- Mystery of Godliness I Tim. 3:16
- Galatians- Learning to Rest
- The Body of Christ
- Romans 1:16-17 The Gospel
- Ephesians, the Father's adopted family
- Prevailing Intercession-Henry Law
- A Practical Study of Hebrews
- Satan's Hatred of Women
- Quotes from old authors
- John Welch on Romans 8:1
- Topical Analysis of the Bible
The Kingdom of God in Christ
- The Kingdom Foretold
- The King and His Kingdom Come
- The Kingdom in its Biblical Context
- The Kings introduction-the wild man and the real man
- The Ultimate Test of the Father's Word-The Temptation
- The Goal of the Kingdom Conquest
- The Blessed of the Kingdom
- Blessed are they that mourn
- Blessed are the meek
- Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness
- Blessed are the Merciful
- Blessed are the Pure in Heart
- The Blessed of the Kingdom are the Salt & Light of the World
- Kingdom Righteousness
- Sermon on the mount-Getting the Law Right
- Restoring God's Most Reflective Relationship
- Being Sons and Daughters of the Heavenly Father
- Understanding our Lord's Father Context
- Breathing Pure Air in a Polluted World
- Living in the Presence of the Secret Benefactor
- What Serving God Looks Like
- Self Righteous need not apply, but beggars can't be losers
- Final Warnings From Our King
- Audio Studies
- From Death to Life
- All Creation Groans
- Traveling down the ladder of self knowledge
- Zions' hymn
- Power in Weakness
- What's In A Name?
- The Heavenly Father's Pity/Spurgeon
- On Affliction
- Christ Our Intercessor
- Spurgeon's Dream
- Sitting at the Feet of Jesus
- Stomping Among Lillies
- The More Excellent Way
- All Creation Sings Praise to the God of Heaven and Earth
- The Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Ruler of the Nations
- From Captivity to God's plan for peace, a future, and an eternal hope
- Man Looks on the Outward Appearance, but the Lord of Hosts Looks upon the Heart
- The Earth is the Lord's
- The earth is the Lords
- A Wedding Meditation-The Gospel Mystery
- Be Strong in the Lord
- The Girdle of Truth
- Having feet shod with Gospel of Peace
- Shield of Faith
- Helmet of Salvation
- Praying with all prayer & supplication
- Sword of the Spirit
- A Wedding Meditation
- The Power of the Gospel is the Resurrection
- What is this Mystery
- A letter of encouragement to faith
- Great is Mystery Part 3
- The Mystery of Godliness part 4
- Mystery of Godliness part 5
- Seen of angels part 2
- Preached among the nations
- Great is Mystery of Godliness Part 8
- Mystery of Godliness part 9
- Great is mystery of Godliness part 10
- A Father's Hand--on Affliction
- Great is mystery of Godliness part 11
- Mystery of Godliness part 12
- Great is mystery of Godliness part 13
- Great is mystery of Godliness part 14
- Romans 1:16-17 Part 1
- Romans 1:16-17 Part 2
- It is the Power of God
- Romans 1:16-17 Part 4
- Christ, the Glorious Hybrid of God
- Romans 1:16-17 Part 5
- Romans 1:16-17 Part 6
- Romans 1:16-17 Part 7
- Romans 1:16-17 Part 8
- Romans 1:16-17 Part
- Romans 1:16-17 Part 9
- Romans 1:16-17 Pt 11
- The Necessity of the Body of Christ
- The Perfection of the Body of Chhrist
- The Role of the Holy Spirit
- The Application of Body II Pet 1:1-4
- application of body of Christ #3
- Practical application body #4
- Part 5 The application of the body
- Application of body of Christ #6
- The Application of the Body #7
- application of body of christ #8
- Application of body of Christ #9
- application of body of Christ #10
- The Kingdom of God
- Galatians 1:1-6
- Galatians 1:6-9
- Abraham's Gospel-Melchizedek
- cutting the covenant
- The Mark of the Covenant
- Gospel to Abraham-resurrection
- Galatians 1:10-17
- Galatians 1:18-2:10
- Galatians 2:11-21
- Galatians 3:1-9
- Beholding the Glory of God
- Intro to Gospel of Abraham
- Melchizedek Gen. 14:18-20
- Melchizedek #2
- God's cutting the Covenant
- Mark of the Covenant