Hebrews 2:6-8 From the lips of the Prophet David in Psalm 8:4-6
#1 God (by His Son) made man “a little lower than the angels.”
#2 God “crowned him with glory and honor.”
#3 God “set him over the works of His Hands.”
This was to be the “pinnacle” from which man was to behold the Glory of God in His creation and bow before Him in worship and praise.
BUT!!! Hebrews 2:8b “But now we see not all things put under him.” Notice that #3 above is the only part in which man was actively to do anything! Man has a very difficult time with the little word do.
Romans 8:20-22 This is the groaning of all creation, humanity included. Humanity operates in the fantasy of control. Futility, vanity, frailty is testified to at every funeral and memorial, striving in vain to make the memory last!
Ecclesiastes 2:1-17, I Corinthians 15:19
Isaiah 45:18 “For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited: I Am the LORD and there is none else.”
BUT!!! Hebrews 2:9 “But we see Jesus!!!” Notice”
#1 Gold made Him a little lower than the angels:
“For the suffering of death.”
#2 God crowned Him with Glory and Honor:
“That He, by the Grace of God, should taste death for every man.”
#3 God made Jesus, the captain, (author, leader, source, founder) of their salvation perfect (for the appointed task of redemption & reconciliation) through sufferings. In this, His humiliation, our Jesus made possible the restoration of humanities role in creation, bringing pleasure unto the Father Who created it by His Beloved Son!
Hebrews 1:10-13; 2:5 The Divine “process” of restoration of creation’s Glory.
#1 Earth’s transition is spoken of here in the context and testimony to our Jesus’ Unchangeable Character. We need to remember this as we see the quaking of this world on it’s seeming foundations.
#2 But notice the heavens: “they shall perish, become old, He will fold them up as a garment, but notice! “They shall be changed”. This is the same word used of us in 1 Corinthians 15:51!
#3 Heb. 2:5 Remember all of that description of our Jesus in Vs 9-11? It is all preparatory for “the world to come, whereof we speak”.
Romans 8:18-24ff This is the blessed hope of all creation, humanity included. This Change, this world to come, because our Jesus, whom we see, is our Creator and our Restorer.
Matthew 27:29 The Creator’s crown of thorns. Little did the soldiers realize in this act of scorn, they were foreshadowing the end of all creations curse. No more thorns or thistles or by the sweat of our brow (Genesis 3:18-19) in the “world to come” because of our Creator’s Resurrection!!
Isaiah 65:17-25, 66:22 The Glorious prophecy of the New Heavens and New Earth.
2 Peter 3:10-15, Acts 3:14-21
Revelation 21 This is the New Earth on which the New Jerusalem, the Redeemed, shall inhabit in Eternity in the Pleasure and unto the Praise of our Father and His Beloved Son.