The incarnation of Christ is the foundation of all other actings of God for us: it is the very hinge, on which all turn; it is the cabinet (treasure chest) wherein all the designs of God do lie. Oh what a sweet object of faith is this. I know there are some other things in Christ which are more proper for some acts of faith, as Christ dying is most proper of the pardon of actual sin, and Christ rising from the dead for the evidencing of our justification; but the strongest and purest acts of faith are those which take in Christ as such a person, laid out in all His Glory. Christ's incarnation is more general than Christ's passion, or Christ's resurrection , and, as some would have it, includes all. Christ's incarnation holds forth in some sort Christ in His fullness, and so it is the full and complete subject of our faith. Come, poor soul, thy eyes are running to and fro, to find comfort and happiness on earth. O cast thy eyes back, and see heaven and earth in one Object! Look fixedly on Christ incarnate; there is more in this than all the variety of this world, or of that world to come. Here is an object of faith, and love, and joy, and delight; a compendium of all glories.
We are indeed to believe on God, but we cannot come to God but through a Mediator, and hence faith must directly go to Christ, as God in our flesh. O the infinite condescension of God in Christ! God takes up our nature, and joins Himself as one person, and lays that before our faith: so that here is God, and God suited to the particular state and condition of the sinner. Now with what boldness may our souls draw nigh to God? Why art thou estranged, poor soul? Why standest thou afar off, as if it were death to draw nigh? Of Whom art thou afraid? Is God come down amongst men, and canst thou not see Him, lest thou die and perish? Oh, look once more, and be not discouraged. See, God is not come down in fire, in the armor of justice and everlasting burning. No, He is clothed with the garments of flesh, HE DESIRES TO CONVERSE WITH THEE AFTER THINE OWN FORM. He is come down to beseech thee, to see with thine own eyes thy eternal happiness.
Oh, that ever there should ba a heart of unbelief after these sensible demonstrations of Divine Glory and Love. Tell me, what would thou have God do more? Can He maninfest Himself in a more suitable way to thy condition? Is there anything below flesh wherin the great God can humble Himself for thy good? It is sad to see believers shy in their approaches to God, or doubtful of their acceptance with Him, WHEN GOD HIMSELF STOOPS FIRST, AND IS SO IN LOVE WITH OUR ACQUAINTANCE THAT HE WILL BE OF THE SAME NATURE THAT WE ARE!