This passage implies the greatest act that History and Eternity have ever known! And I am not talking about the creation of the world and man in it. I am talking about the creation of the Son of Man, the God/Man, Christ Jesus. I am speaking, if I may be so bold, of the "Divine Hybrid", the grand work of the Triune God for the purpose of displaying the Glory of His Mercy and Grace and Wisdom by Christ Jesus in His church to the principalities and powers in heavenly places, world without end.! (Ephesians 3:10;21) I say "Hybrid" advisedly, my use of this term not implying man's method of genetic alteration, but rather God's creative "Genetic Union". This Word being made flesh(John 1:14), as one old saint said, "was more than if a star became a clod." For God to create this Glorious Union of the Divine Godhead and his created humanity--who can fathom it? Who would have dreamed that the seed of woman that would crush the head of Satan and deliver God's creation from death, that that seed would be the Union of the Glorious Creator with His Glorious creation in the womb of a young virgin by the Glorious "hovering" of His Eternal Spirit?(Genesis 3:15, Luke 1:38; 3:23-38)
Unlike the sterile hybrids that man gloats in and offers up to his godhood, this "Divine Hybrid" is marvelously productive--He is the firstborn among many brethren.(Romans 8:29). And it doesn't stop there. He is the firstborn over all creation! (Colossians 1:15) This One Who created all things in heaven and earth, is the first of a New Creation that assures the total recreation and restoration of all things to, and beyond His original design. His means of accomplishing this New Creation is the Spirit's birthing a people to Himself in such an inseparable union, that they become His Body!(Romans 12:1-5; I Corinthians 10:16-17, 12:12-14, 27) And we are complete IN HIM. (Colossians 1:10) How desperately do we need to know more of Who He Is that we may bask in the completeness that we have IN HIM.