Rev. 4:11 “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for/because Thou hast created all things, and for Thy Pleasure they are and were created.” ; Job 9:1-10, 37:18; Ps. 102:25-27/Hebrews 1:10-12 , Ps. 104; Isa. 40:21-22, 45:12, 18, 51:12-13, 66:1-2; Jer. 10:10-14/51:15-17, Jeremiah 32:17 (refer to the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge)
Acts 17:24-25 “God that made the world an all things in it, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth” .....”seeing He gives to all life, breath and all things.” Note this is the introduction to Paul’s gospel message to the heathen philosophers in Athens. No attempt to prove anything, just the statement of Biblical fact!
Hebrews 11:1-6 (3) Notice the place of faith in God’s creation of the worlds out of nothing in this text on the indispensable nature of faith in pleasing God. It is not optional!!!
John 1:1-3, 10 In His introduction as Redeemer, God’s Word, His Son, is introduced as the Creator of all things!!!
Hebrews 1:2 In His introduction as our Priest/King, He is spoken of as the one “by Whom He Made the worlds.” Ps. 33:6; Eph 3:9; Col.1:16
Proverbs 8 The personification of Wisdom is in the context of creation (Vs.22-30) and provides the inseparable connection between creation and conscience (Vs.1-21, 31-36) as we see in Romans 1:18-28. As Romans 1:20 declares, the hallmark of the Creator is so strong in His Creation, that all of humanity is without excuse!!! Ps 104:24
1 Corinthians 1:24 Christ, by Whom He created the Worlds, is the Wisdom of God!!! “The fool has said in his heart, there is on God.” Ps. 14:1 in total denial and ignorance of Psalm 19:1-6 (Note the proximity of the proclamation of creation and David bringing in the perfection of the law).
Ephesians 3:9-10 Paul’s purpose was to “make all men see the fellowship of the mystery, hidden from the beginning of the world in God, Who Created all things by Jesus Christ”, now notice, to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church, the Manifold Wisdom of God”, which as we have seen above is Christ!!
2 Peter 1:16-18 Christ Jesus is the Pleasure of the Father: Matt. 3:16-17, 17:5; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22, 9:34-35, John 3:35, 5:20-23; Col. 1:13 (margin: the Son of His Love)
Conclusion: If our Father created all things by Christ Jesus, His Word, our Redeemer King/High Priest, and if Christ Jesus is the very Wisdom, One with the Father in that Creation, then Creations purpose is to display the Father’s immeasurable love and pleasure He has in His Son!!! And the church, the Body of Christ is the “candlestick” of the Glorious Wisdom of God, His Son, on display unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places