Genesis 14:18-22 The introduction of Melchizedek King of Salem, the priest of The Most High Good. Vs 19 He blessed Abraham, the receiver of the Promise as, “Blessed be Abram OF THE MOST HIGH GOD, POSSESSOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. BLESSED BE THE MOST HIGH GOD.”
This is the “shadowy” introduction to our Great High Priest, the Heavenly Eternal Melchizedek, the Eternal Son of God Most High, the One by Whom God Most High created the worlds, the Only One Who could restore the Work of God’s Hands to the place of bringing Pleasure unto Him. (Heb. 1:2, 10-12, 2:5-10; Rev.4:11) .
The Levitical priests “were ordained for men in things pertaining to God that they may offer gifts and sacrifices to God”, this to maintain communication with the God of Heaven and earth, to be led and fed and protected in this world that was no longer in subjection to man.(Heb. 2:6-8)
In Rev. 4:11, the worshipful summation of John’s visionary visit to “throne room” of the Most High God, we read, “Thou art worthy O Lord, to receive Glory and Honor and Power: for Thou hast created all things, AND FOR THY PLEASURE THEY ARE AND WERE CREATED.” This God is surrounded in John’s vision with Glorious Emblems of Covenant, Promise, and Purity.
That Personal Pleasure for which God wrought His creation of all things is no capricious fancy. It flows out of His Eternal Will and Purpose to manifest His Glorious Goodness. It takes on a “benevolent” meaning in Ephesians 1:5,9. Here we find our God adopting children to Himself by Jesus Christ, “according to the GOOD PLEASURE OF HIS WILL.” And in Vs 9, “He has made known unto us the mystery of His Will, according to HIS GOOD PLEASURE which He purposed in Himself.”
We conclude that all things, all of creation, all the earth, including the descriptive choir of Revelation 5:13-14 were and are created to bring Eternal Pleasure to the Most High God. His Will and Purpose as revealed in Ephesians to adopt a Family for His Name (Eph. 3:14-15) is an integral part of His Creative Purpose and must not be separated from the earthly scope of His Pleasure in Rev. 4:11.
Uniting this truth of God’s Pleasure in all of His Creation with Hebrews 1&2, this Creating Purpose takes on a “covenant tone”. This is the book of our High Priest, the Eternal Melchizedek, the Priest of the Covenant of Grace, Peace and Rest. Note that He is introduced as, “by Whom also He made the worlds.” Just as the Levitical priests were ordained for men in things “pertaining to God”, our Great High Priest is introduced as the Creator of the worlds, implying that all of Creation “pertains”, belongs to God and His creative purpose for His Glory and therefore must have the ministry of the Eternal Melchizedek to “offer gifts and sacrifices” to restore it to that purpose of Glory!!!
Chapter 1 proceeds to introduce the Son’s Eternity against the backdrop of this fallen creation. 1:10 speaks of His laying the foundation of the earth and declaring the heavens as the “works of His Hands”. 1:11 says, “they shall perish”, necessitated by the ungodly lust of man for his own glory, robbing God of His Pleasure. “They shall wax old as a garment. Vs 12 And as a garment, you will fold them up”. But notice a wonderful phrase, “BUT THEY SHALL BE CHANGED”. This necessity for change for this earth is placed over against it’s Eternal Changeless Creator: “But Thou are the same, and Thy years fail not.” For God’s Good Pleasure, a change must occur to this earth and everything in it, and the Changeless Creator is the only one adequate to bring that about.