When Jesus proclaims, “I came not do mine own will, but that of Him Who sent me” (John 6:78, 5:30, 4:34), He is removing our curse (Jer. 11:3-4), that curse of breaking God’s Covenant, His Law, the expression of His Perfect Nature. Furthermore, His delightful obedience to God’s Law set aside the law of ordinances in the external shadow covenant (Heb. 8:5), and paved the way for God’s law to be planted in the hearts of His people. As Heb. 10:9 says, The Holy Spirit being the Interpreter, “Then He said, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God–He takes away the first (the old external covenant contained in the letter-II Cor. 3:6), that He may establish the second, the New Covenant, in the hearts of His people in fulfilment of Jer. 31:33 & Ezek.36:26-28.
His obedience to the Father’s Will in all that He said and did, even unto the cross, fulfills Jer. 11:4, “Obey My Voice and do according to all that I command you; so shall you be My people, and I will be your God.” Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to the Father’s Right Hand verifies that He has fulfilled all of God’s requirements and is Whom the Father proclaimed in Matt. 3:17, “And suddenly a Voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I AM well pleased.”
In His Resurrection, He becomes the “Firstborn of many brethren”.(Rom 8:29), since He became perfect flesh and blood that we might be His brethren. (Heb. 2:10-14) And since this is so, we are now His Family, His Household which is the message of Heb. 3:1-6. (Vs.6 “But Christ as a Son over His Own House, Whose House we are if we hold the confidence (in our belief that He is Who He said He is-Jn 6:29) and the rejoicing of the hope (that we are eternal heirs with Christ-Rom. 8:14-17) firm to the end. And wonder of wonders, we become God’s House, or Household/Family-Eph 2:22, the very dwelling place of God in the Spirit. All of this “too good to be true” blessing is because of the delighted obedience of the Son to His Father’s Will for His people. Jesus is the Father’s Pleasure as a man, for it was the Man Christ Jesus that came out of the water that day. He is now the Man at the Father’s Right Hand, ever mediating His Perfect Obedience on our behalf before the Father, assuring for all eternity that we belong in the Household/Family of the Most High God!!! We are His People!!! Amazing!!! May our God be praised.
Next Time: The New Covenant of the Holy Spirit.