These are but a few specimens of heart plagues. These plagues assume many forms in each of us, according to our disposition and history: pride, envy, indolence, self-seeking. There seems to be no end. Even the faculty of the soul which should enable us to diagnose our plaques is affected by the plague. The eye of the soul is blinded. The grey hairs of spiritual declension and unbelief may be upon a man yet he knows it not. The powers of perception are themselves damaged. Whoever then would know the plague of his own heart, let him study the revelations of Christ's heart as these are given in the history of His life and the manifestation of His character in the gospel. And seeing that our spiritual blindness is so great, lett us offer the prayer, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me, AND LEAD ME IN THE WAY EVERLASTING."
AND THAT LEADS US TO CONSIDER THE CURE OF THESE HEART PLAGUES. Remain not at the table of self examination and weariness, but come feast at the table of hope and confidence in Christ Jesus. That will be our next consideration!!!