Exodus 19:5 “All the earth is Mine”. This is to teach us the Sovereignty of God, that all things are in is Hand and Power, all the natural and spiritual blessing; and the way to obtain them is to ask Him for them. Our health, our natural faculties, our senses, all come from Him, and we must acknowledge them as His Gifts. If we do not receive them as such, He will assuredly call us to account for taking what does not belong to us! We understand lthat if we go into a neighbors house and take anything of his, it is robbery. But we do not see that the same is true if we take anything, even the least the least thing, without asking God for it, or acknowledging Him in it. His curse will surely attend all this independence from Him.
I Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks, for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
James Bourne 1774-1853