The Spirit’s Outworking
"And the Spirit of God moved upon the waters." Genesis 1:2 All that the Love, Will, and Purpose of the Father has ordained, All that the Son has fulfilled in doing the Father's will, the Glorious Spirit of God brings to pass in its' outworking and manifestation. He is the Spirit of Love of the Father for the Son and the Son for the Father. He is that Love that proceeds from the Father (John 15:25) that the Son had with the Father before the foundation of the world. (John 17:24) It would appear from Romans 5:1-5 that His first work in the Believer after bringing him to life by the Justifying Righteousness of Jesus Christ, is the pouring out the Love of God in our hearts! It is the Spirit's work that roots us and grounds us in the love of God by strengthening us in the inner man through bringing Christ to dwell in our hearts by faith. (Ephesians 3:14-21) The Holy Spirit is ever the Creative Power of God, whether in natural creation or in Spiritual Creation.
Always bear in mind that no member of the Godhead operates solo! We must understand that all that the Spirit does, proceeds from the Father, just as He Himself does. His "proceeding" is not a going out in a sense of departure, but rather in a sense of emanation, He constantly emanates from the Father's Bosom. If we pause and contemplate that Truth, it means that the Holy Spirit is our continual connection with the Father above! He is that Union that our Jesus purchased with His Blood. It is by His Indwelling that we can enter and then live continually in the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus as Hebrews 10:19-22 tells us.
He is the powerful outflow that brings to pass all the Father's Will, whether that be in creation, in the authoring the written word of God (II Peter 1:21; I Peter 1:10-12; Hebrews 9:6-10, 10:15-17), or in bringing the Son of God into the world as the Son of Man through impregnating the virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-38), or in raising that same Son from the dead for our salvation (Romans 6:4, 8:11), or in the birthing us into the Kingdom of the Son of God's love (John 3:5-8). If we have not the Spirit of God Who is also the Spirit of Christ, we are not God's! (Romans 8:9) He is the "in you God" who works the Will of God in His people. Never forget that all that God does in Eternity and time, flows out of the Will of the Father, through the delighted obedience of His Beloved Son, and by the Power of His Glorious Spirit. Praise be to the Triune God who works all things according to the counsel of the Father's will! (Ephesians 1:11)
"And the Spirit of God moved upon the waters." Genesis 1:2 All that the Love, Will, and Purpose of the Father has ordained, All that the Son has fulfilled in doing the Father's will, the Glorious Spirit of God brings to pass in its' outworking and manifestation. He is the Spirit of Love of the Father for the Son and the Son for the Father. He is that Love that proceeds from the Father (John 15:25) that the Son had with the Father before the foundation of the world. (John 17:24) It would appear from Romans 5:1-5 that His first work in the Believer after bringing him to life by the Justifying Righteousness of Jesus Christ, is the pouring out the Love of God in our hearts! It is the Spirit's work that roots us and grounds us in the love of God by strengthening us in the inner man through bringing Christ to dwell in our hearts by faith. (Ephesians 3:14-21) The Holy Spirit is ever the Creative Power of God, whether in natural creation or in Spiritual Creation.
Always bear in mind that no member of the Godhead operates solo! We must understand that all that the Spirit does, proceeds from the Father, just as He Himself does. His "proceeding" is not a going out in a sense of departure, but rather in a sense of emanation, He constantly emanates from the Father's Bosom. If we pause and contemplate that Truth, it means that the Holy Spirit is our continual connection with the Father above! He is that Union that our Jesus purchased with His Blood. It is by His Indwelling that we can enter and then live continually in the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus as Hebrews 10:19-22 tells us.
He is the powerful outflow that brings to pass all the Father's Will, whether that be in creation, in the authoring the written word of God (II Peter 1:21; I Peter 1:10-12; Hebrews 9:6-10, 10:15-17), or in bringing the Son of God into the world as the Son of Man through impregnating the virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-38), or in raising that same Son from the dead for our salvation (Romans 6:4, 8:11), or in the birthing us into the Kingdom of the Son of God's love (John 3:5-8). If we have not the Spirit of God Who is also the Spirit of Christ, we are not God's! (Romans 8:9) He is the "in you God" who works the Will of God in His people. Never forget that all that God does in Eternity and time, flows out of the Will of the Father, through the delighted obedience of His Beloved Son, and by the Power of His Glorious Spirit. Praise be to the Triune God who works all things according to the counsel of the Father's will! (Ephesians 1:11)