The Necessary Display of the Glory of God's Goodness
This Wondrous God of Whom we are speaking has willed that "all the Perfections of His Godhead might be infinitely and everlastingly glorified." (William Romaine 1714-1795) His Glory is His Goodness and encompasses all of His Essence. The display of that Goodness is essential to His very Nature. He MUST show forth His Glory. Were He to restrict the manifestation of His Glorious Goodness, He would cease to be God Who is alone Good. (Matthew 19.16) In Exodus 33:18-19 we discover that His Glory IS His Goodness. Moses asked God, "Please, show me Your Glory." God's answer in vs 19 is this, "I will make all my Goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the Name of the LORD before you." And that full revelation of God's name is in Exodus 34:6-7 where the LORD's seven fold "attributive" Name is proclaimed. As the old Puritan, Thomas Goodwin says, "five parts Mercy, two parts Justice and Judgement." This is His Essence, His Nature. He ever manifests Himself in this measure.
This name of Mercy becomes the focal point of Israel in their sins and in the words of their prophets. Solomon, in dedicating the temple, speaks of his assurance that Israel will sin, and says, "When they pray toward this place and confess your Name, and turn from their sin because you afflict them, then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of Your servants, your people Israel." (I Kings 8:35-36, ) This is why Mercy is the refrain of all the Psalms, 26 times in Psalm 136. This is the Revelation of God---He is Good, He is Glorious, He is full of Mercy. It is essential that He display His Glorious Goodness for all eternity because God Alone is Good, and if any Good is to be in creation, human or otherwise, it must be of God Alone!!!
This Wondrous God of Whom we are speaking has willed that "all the Perfections of His Godhead might be infinitely and everlastingly glorified." (William Romaine 1714-1795) His Glory is His Goodness and encompasses all of His Essence. The display of that Goodness is essential to His very Nature. He MUST show forth His Glory. Were He to restrict the manifestation of His Glorious Goodness, He would cease to be God Who is alone Good. (Matthew 19.16) In Exodus 33:18-19 we discover that His Glory IS His Goodness. Moses asked God, "Please, show me Your Glory." God's answer in vs 19 is this, "I will make all my Goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the Name of the LORD before you." And that full revelation of God's name is in Exodus 34:6-7 where the LORD's seven fold "attributive" Name is proclaimed. As the old Puritan, Thomas Goodwin says, "five parts Mercy, two parts Justice and Judgement." This is His Essence, His Nature. He ever manifests Himself in this measure.
This name of Mercy becomes the focal point of Israel in their sins and in the words of their prophets. Solomon, in dedicating the temple, speaks of his assurance that Israel will sin, and says, "When they pray toward this place and confess your Name, and turn from their sin because you afflict them, then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of Your servants, your people Israel." (I Kings 8:35-36, ) This is why Mercy is the refrain of all the Psalms, 26 times in Psalm 136. This is the Revelation of God---He is Good, He is Glorious, He is full of Mercy. It is essential that He display His Glorious Goodness for all eternity because God Alone is Good, and if any Good is to be in creation, human or otherwise, it must be of God Alone!!!