The Whole Armor of God
The Breastplate of Righteousness Eph 6:14b
We have seen that the core of the strength of our being, our loins, our regenerative strength, must be girded with Truth. (I Peter 1:13 “Gird up the loins of your mind”. The rest of Peter’s text implies that the way to stand steadfast unto end is to be girded with the Truth of the prophets that is fulfilled in our Lord Christ and His Gospel!) The purpose of “the whole armor of God” is to enable His people to withstand the evil one and his minions in this evil day, to persevere unto the end! The Truth, as it is in Christ Jesus, is essential for this standing! We now look at the first, and the foundational Truth necessary for our standing steadfast in this evil day.
The Breastplate of Righteousness
I. Breastplate #1: #2833 OT “choshen” “From an unused root probably meaning to contain or sparkle. A pocket (as holding the Urim and thimmim) or rich (as containing gems) used only of the breastplate of the High Priest. 25X This word occurs only in Exodus (23#) and Leviticus (2#). Who alone was this breastplate prepared for in God’s instructions to Moses? (Ex 28:2- 30, esp. 29-30) IN SCRIPTURE, THE BREASTPLATE IS ONLY FOR THE HIGH PRIEST!!!!
A. Notice that it is called the “breastplate of judgement” (vs15, 29, 30)
1. Vs 29 Note that Aaron would “bear the names of the sons of Israel (on the 12 stones attached to the breastplate) on the breastplate of judgement OVER HIS HEART, when he goes into the holy place (the place of meeting God, refers to Holiest of Holies, “place” being added), as a memorial (covenantal remembrance) BEFORE THE LORD CONTINUALLY!!! This is repeated again in vs 30.
2. Vs 30 Note that the “Urim and the Thummim ( margin” the Lights and the Perfections) of judgement are placed in the pocket of the breastplate OVER AARON’S HEART when he goes in before the Lord. “So Aaron shall BEAR THE JUDGEMENT of the children of Israel OVER HIS HEART BEFORE THE LORD CONTINUALLY.”
II. Breastplate #2: #8302 ‘”shiryonah”, “From #8281 (“sharah”-a primary root, to free–remnant. Jer 15:11 “The Lord said, verily it shall be well with thy remnant.”)
A. Isaiah 59:15b-17 After a lengthy confession of Israel’s sin, the Isaiah (the Holy Spirit, that is) gives us one of the most beautiful prophesies in all of Scripture.
“Then the LORD saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no justice. He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor. Therefore His Own Arm brought Salvation for Him; and His own Righteousness sustained Him. FOR HE PUT ON RIGHTEOUSNESS AS A BREASTPLATE, AND A HELMET OF SALVATION ON HIS HEAD.” What follows is His vengeance upon the Lord’s unrepentant enemies, but also Isaiah’s version of the New Covenant. (Vs19-21)
1. Here is the OT transition from the high priest under the Mosaic Law to the Man of God’s choosing, the embodiment of God’s Righteousness, the High Priest after the order of Melchizadek. Notice, also, this text is most probably the foundation for Paul’s whole discourse on the Armor of God.
2. Remember that the word translated “breastplate” here caries the idea of “to free”, and also “remnant” from its primary root. This is a significant enrichment of our theme!
III. Breastplate #3 of Righteousness
A. In our text, breastplate is #2832 “thorax” and means “the breast and denotes a breastplate or corselet consisting of two parts, front and back, protecting the body on both sides from neck to the middle.” If we understand and abide in the truth of this breastplate, God has us covered front and back even from any sneak attacks of the evil one! And what is the key Truth?
B. The foundational Truth of our Life in Christ is the Justifying Righteousness of our Savior!!! The breastplate of righteousness is not about any righteousness of our own, any attempt to be better or more pleasing to God. Given that we are still in this body of death, such a breastplate would be and is full of holes. We become the target of Satan’s arrows of guilt, anxiety, and fear and failure, doomed to the bondage of “doing it better next time”!
1. Romans 13:11-14 speaks of vigilant “warriors” who are not to be overtaken by night or “drowsiness”, but who are to “put on the armor of light. Vs 14 clearly defines this armor–“Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.”
2. I Thess 5:1-11 follows the same theme–be vigilant unto the day of the Lord. We are sons of the light, sons of the day. And the sons of the day are to be putting on the breastplate of faith and love.
C. And here is the focus of our faith, what we surely are to believe:
1. Psalm 72:1-4 The king’s son, the Seed of David, is given Righteousness and will judge his people with Righteousness and justice. Not comforting in itself until we see:
2. Psalm 85:9-13 His Salvation is near to those who fear Him, in that “mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other”!!! And this Righteousness that brings peace, and not condemnation, “will go before Him and shall make His footsteps our pathway.” (Vs 13)
3. Isaiah 32:17 Again a prophecy of the King who shall reign in Righteousness, adding the necessity of the outpouring of God’s Spirit (Vs 15). Then we come to Vs 17, “The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.”
4. Romans 14:17 And where does such a Righteousness come from? The Kingdom of Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit.” +Col 1:13
5. Romans 3:21-31 And how are we “clothed” in this Righteous breastplate? “Even the Righteousness of God which is through faith IN Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe.”
6. Romans 5:1-2 “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom we also have access by faith into this grace IN WHICH WE STAND.
7. Romans 5:17-21 This text makes it plain that the Righteousness of this breastplate is a gift of the Grace of God, is made ours through the Righteous Act of our Obedient Man, Christ Jesus, and because of His Perfect Obedience even unto death, Grace now reigns through His Righteousness unto Eternal Life, and that only through Jesus Christ our Lord!!!
8. Here is the whole point–We always and only stand in the Righteousness of our King/Priest!!! Remember, He is the Righteous Man of God’s own Hand, and I John 2:1 says that when we do sin, He is our ever present Advocate/Intercessor with the Father and then John adds, “Jesus Christ the Righteous.”
9. Hebrews 8:1 This is the “main point” of the whole book of Hebrews, that we have a High Priest who ministers in the Power of and Endless Life, Who alone possessed the Body prepared for Him, that could be the Sacrifice that could purge our consciences from sin in that the Father is now at complete peace with His children in the perfect body and blood of His Son.
And furthermore, this is the continual ministry of our High Priest through which He saves us to the uttermost. (Heb 7:24-26)
10. Hebrews 12:2 This is why we are exhorted to be “Looking unto Jesus, the author/originator and perfecter of our faith–Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
This is the Truth as it is in Jesus!!! (Eph 4:21b) This is our only but continual standing before our Heavenly Father. This is ever on our Great High Priest’s breastplate. Our names are ever on His Heart. He has borne our judgement upon His Heart!!! To attempt to add to this gift is to subtract from it! Be found in His Righteousness and His alone. (Phil 3:9). Be secure in His Righteousness. There is no other!!! All of obedience is the fruit of His!!! (Phil 1:11) This is what Jesus means in John 15:1-9 “Abide in My Love”. This is why John 6:29 says that we are to believe in Him Whom the Father Sent, the Only Righteous One!!!
ISAIAH 61:1 & 10 Are we clothed in the garments of salvation, the robes of His Righteousness?
The Breastplate of Righteousness Eph 6:14b
We have seen that the core of the strength of our being, our loins, our regenerative strength, must be girded with Truth. (I Peter 1:13 “Gird up the loins of your mind”. The rest of Peter’s text implies that the way to stand steadfast unto end is to be girded with the Truth of the prophets that is fulfilled in our Lord Christ and His Gospel!) The purpose of “the whole armor of God” is to enable His people to withstand the evil one and his minions in this evil day, to persevere unto the end! The Truth, as it is in Christ Jesus, is essential for this standing! We now look at the first, and the foundational Truth necessary for our standing steadfast in this evil day.
The Breastplate of Righteousness
I. Breastplate #1: #2833 OT “choshen” “From an unused root probably meaning to contain or sparkle. A pocket (as holding the Urim and thimmim) or rich (as containing gems) used only of the breastplate of the High Priest. 25X This word occurs only in Exodus (23#) and Leviticus (2#). Who alone was this breastplate prepared for in God’s instructions to Moses? (Ex 28:2- 30, esp. 29-30) IN SCRIPTURE, THE BREASTPLATE IS ONLY FOR THE HIGH PRIEST!!!!
A. Notice that it is called the “breastplate of judgement” (vs15, 29, 30)
1. Vs 29 Note that Aaron would “bear the names of the sons of Israel (on the 12 stones attached to the breastplate) on the breastplate of judgement OVER HIS HEART, when he goes into the holy place (the place of meeting God, refers to Holiest of Holies, “place” being added), as a memorial (covenantal remembrance) BEFORE THE LORD CONTINUALLY!!! This is repeated again in vs 30.
2. Vs 30 Note that the “Urim and the Thummim ( margin” the Lights and the Perfections) of judgement are placed in the pocket of the breastplate OVER AARON’S HEART when he goes in before the Lord. “So Aaron shall BEAR THE JUDGEMENT of the children of Israel OVER HIS HEART BEFORE THE LORD CONTINUALLY.”
II. Breastplate #2: #8302 ‘”shiryonah”, “From #8281 (“sharah”-a primary root, to free–remnant. Jer 15:11 “The Lord said, verily it shall be well with thy remnant.”)
A. Isaiah 59:15b-17 After a lengthy confession of Israel’s sin, the Isaiah (the Holy Spirit, that is) gives us one of the most beautiful prophesies in all of Scripture.
“Then the LORD saw it, and it displeased Him that there was no justice. He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor. Therefore His Own Arm brought Salvation for Him; and His own Righteousness sustained Him. FOR HE PUT ON RIGHTEOUSNESS AS A BREASTPLATE, AND A HELMET OF SALVATION ON HIS HEAD.” What follows is His vengeance upon the Lord’s unrepentant enemies, but also Isaiah’s version of the New Covenant. (Vs19-21)
1. Here is the OT transition from the high priest under the Mosaic Law to the Man of God’s choosing, the embodiment of God’s Righteousness, the High Priest after the order of Melchizadek. Notice, also, this text is most probably the foundation for Paul’s whole discourse on the Armor of God.
2. Remember that the word translated “breastplate” here caries the idea of “to free”, and also “remnant” from its primary root. This is a significant enrichment of our theme!
III. Breastplate #3 of Righteousness
A. In our text, breastplate is #2832 “thorax” and means “the breast and denotes a breastplate or corselet consisting of two parts, front and back, protecting the body on both sides from neck to the middle.” If we understand and abide in the truth of this breastplate, God has us covered front and back even from any sneak attacks of the evil one! And what is the key Truth?
B. The foundational Truth of our Life in Christ is the Justifying Righteousness of our Savior!!! The breastplate of righteousness is not about any righteousness of our own, any attempt to be better or more pleasing to God. Given that we are still in this body of death, such a breastplate would be and is full of holes. We become the target of Satan’s arrows of guilt, anxiety, and fear and failure, doomed to the bondage of “doing it better next time”!
1. Romans 13:11-14 speaks of vigilant “warriors” who are not to be overtaken by night or “drowsiness”, but who are to “put on the armor of light. Vs 14 clearly defines this armor–“Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.”
2. I Thess 5:1-11 follows the same theme–be vigilant unto the day of the Lord. We are sons of the light, sons of the day. And the sons of the day are to be putting on the breastplate of faith and love.
C. And here is the focus of our faith, what we surely are to believe:
1. Psalm 72:1-4 The king’s son, the Seed of David, is given Righteousness and will judge his people with Righteousness and justice. Not comforting in itself until we see:
2. Psalm 85:9-13 His Salvation is near to those who fear Him, in that “mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other”!!! And this Righteousness that brings peace, and not condemnation, “will go before Him and shall make His footsteps our pathway.” (Vs 13)
3. Isaiah 32:17 Again a prophecy of the King who shall reign in Righteousness, adding the necessity of the outpouring of God’s Spirit (Vs 15). Then we come to Vs 17, “The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.”
4. Romans 14:17 And where does such a Righteousness come from? The Kingdom of Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit.” +Col 1:13
5. Romans 3:21-31 And how are we “clothed” in this Righteous breastplate? “Even the Righteousness of God which is through faith IN Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe.”
6. Romans 5:1-2 “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom we also have access by faith into this grace IN WHICH WE STAND.
7. Romans 5:17-21 This text makes it plain that the Righteousness of this breastplate is a gift of the Grace of God, is made ours through the Righteous Act of our Obedient Man, Christ Jesus, and because of His Perfect Obedience even unto death, Grace now reigns through His Righteousness unto Eternal Life, and that only through Jesus Christ our Lord!!!
8. Here is the whole point–We always and only stand in the Righteousness of our King/Priest!!! Remember, He is the Righteous Man of God’s own Hand, and I John 2:1 says that when we do sin, He is our ever present Advocate/Intercessor with the Father and then John adds, “Jesus Christ the Righteous.”
9. Hebrews 8:1 This is the “main point” of the whole book of Hebrews, that we have a High Priest who ministers in the Power of and Endless Life, Who alone possessed the Body prepared for Him, that could be the Sacrifice that could purge our consciences from sin in that the Father is now at complete peace with His children in the perfect body and blood of His Son.
And furthermore, this is the continual ministry of our High Priest through which He saves us to the uttermost. (Heb 7:24-26)
10. Hebrews 12:2 This is why we are exhorted to be “Looking unto Jesus, the author/originator and perfecter of our faith–Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
This is the Truth as it is in Jesus!!! (Eph 4:21b) This is our only but continual standing before our Heavenly Father. This is ever on our Great High Priest’s breastplate. Our names are ever on His Heart. He has borne our judgement upon His Heart!!! To attempt to add to this gift is to subtract from it! Be found in His Righteousness and His alone. (Phil 3:9). Be secure in His Righteousness. There is no other!!! All of obedience is the fruit of His!!! (Phil 1:11) This is what Jesus means in John 15:1-9 “Abide in My Love”. This is why John 6:29 says that we are to believe in Him Whom the Father Sent, the Only Righteous One!!!
ISAIAH 61:1 & 10 Are we clothed in the garments of salvation, the robes of His Righteousness?