Seated in the Heavenlies with our Warrior Priest/King!
Hebrews 10:11-18
Remember: Stop living in the shadows! The shadows have been done away by the Eternal One Who cast the shadow, the Perfections of the Eternal Sacrifice of the God/Man, Christ Jesus. He has taken away the Old Covenant and its futile sacrifices and services and replaced it with the Eternal Covenant Promise of His Perfect Body and Blood which was broken and shed ONCE for all!
Hebrews 10:11-18 The Present Day Impact of His Perfect Sacrifice!
Vs 11-13 The contrast of futility and Perfection!
1. Remember the futility of 10:1-4? Instead of taking away sin, the sacrificial law amplified and magnified the sin of the people! Sin was never far from their consciences!
2. Vs 12 But THIS MAN, after offering ONE SACRIFICE for sins FOREVER, sat down at the right hand of God. Why?
a. Why is He seated?
b. Why at the Right Hand of God?
3. Vs 13 What on earth is going on here? What is He waiting for?
a. Psalms 110:1-4 Do you recall this from Hebrews 7:16-17, & 21? Our Warrior King/Priest has ascended the Throne of David (Acts 2:12-36). His Kingdom has begun, the warfare stage of it, and He is ruling in the midst of his enemies. But His warfare is unlike anything that we can imagine. He does battle from the seat of Eternal Power. His staff is always raised in victory! (Exodus 17:8-16)
b. I Corinthians 15:20-28 This is His glorious ministry in the here and now! He is conquering all His enemies!
c. Only the eye of faith can see His Power and Glory in the here and now. We are like Elisha's servant. (II Kings 6:8-23) Fleshly eyes see only fleshly things!!!!!!
Vs 14 All of His (and ours) Victory is assured by his one offering!
a. The perfection of those who have been sanctified (made holy, set apart unto God) by the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ ONCE FOR ALL, (Vs 10) is a done deal!!!. Notice the wording—"He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified." Our perfection is in the Bank of heaven, but we are a work in progress in the here and now. But our "sense" of the progress depends upon our clinging to the work of our ONE SACRIFICE for sins. Only in His ONE SACRIFICE is there no more remembrance of sin. The Just shall live by faith, and that is not an option!!!!
Vs 15 Here is our assurance, our guarantee—The Holy Spirit who witnesses to us and in us!
a. He has said before! Jeremiah 31:33-34 was the Holy Spirit speaking.
b. Vs 16 All "that the law could not do, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin; He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled IN us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." (Romans 8:3-4) That "according to the Spirit" is the Spirits' ministry within us as described in II Corinthians 3-4.
c. Vs 17 Note: If the Spirit of God has forgotten our sins and lawless deeds, don’t you think we should too! Focusing on our sins is "death thinking". Remember the Blood and Body of your Perfect Sacrifice, not you sins. And when your sin raises it's ugly head, pay attention to the Holy Spirit's memory—Plead the Blood and Body of your Perfect Sacrifice. Cling to your Righteousness that is ever and only in Christ Jesus.
d. Vs 18 Praise God!! Our sins are remitted/forgiven, covered completely by the blood of Jesus. There is no longer an offering for sin. You cannot improve upon Christ's work!!! It is so perfect that He is seated, watching the victory of it play out until His last enemy, death, is completely defeated! Believe it! The Justified shall live by faith!
Hebrews 10:11-18
Remember: Stop living in the shadows! The shadows have been done away by the Eternal One Who cast the shadow, the Perfections of the Eternal Sacrifice of the God/Man, Christ Jesus. He has taken away the Old Covenant and its futile sacrifices and services and replaced it with the Eternal Covenant Promise of His Perfect Body and Blood which was broken and shed ONCE for all!
Hebrews 10:11-18 The Present Day Impact of His Perfect Sacrifice!
Vs 11-13 The contrast of futility and Perfection!
1. Remember the futility of 10:1-4? Instead of taking away sin, the sacrificial law amplified and magnified the sin of the people! Sin was never far from their consciences!
2. Vs 12 But THIS MAN, after offering ONE SACRIFICE for sins FOREVER, sat down at the right hand of God. Why?
a. Why is He seated?
b. Why at the Right Hand of God?
3. Vs 13 What on earth is going on here? What is He waiting for?
a. Psalms 110:1-4 Do you recall this from Hebrews 7:16-17, & 21? Our Warrior King/Priest has ascended the Throne of David (Acts 2:12-36). His Kingdom has begun, the warfare stage of it, and He is ruling in the midst of his enemies. But His warfare is unlike anything that we can imagine. He does battle from the seat of Eternal Power. His staff is always raised in victory! (Exodus 17:8-16)
b. I Corinthians 15:20-28 This is His glorious ministry in the here and now! He is conquering all His enemies!
c. Only the eye of faith can see His Power and Glory in the here and now. We are like Elisha's servant. (II Kings 6:8-23) Fleshly eyes see only fleshly things!!!!!!
Vs 14 All of His (and ours) Victory is assured by his one offering!
a. The perfection of those who have been sanctified (made holy, set apart unto God) by the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ ONCE FOR ALL, (Vs 10) is a done deal!!!. Notice the wording—"He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified." Our perfection is in the Bank of heaven, but we are a work in progress in the here and now. But our "sense" of the progress depends upon our clinging to the work of our ONE SACRIFICE for sins. Only in His ONE SACRIFICE is there no more remembrance of sin. The Just shall live by faith, and that is not an option!!!!
Vs 15 Here is our assurance, our guarantee—The Holy Spirit who witnesses to us and in us!
a. He has said before! Jeremiah 31:33-34 was the Holy Spirit speaking.
b. Vs 16 All "that the law could not do, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin; He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled IN us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." (Romans 8:3-4) That "according to the Spirit" is the Spirits' ministry within us as described in II Corinthians 3-4.
c. Vs 17 Note: If the Spirit of God has forgotten our sins and lawless deeds, don’t you think we should too! Focusing on our sins is "death thinking". Remember the Blood and Body of your Perfect Sacrifice, not you sins. And when your sin raises it's ugly head, pay attention to the Holy Spirit's memory—Plead the Blood and Body of your Perfect Sacrifice. Cling to your Righteousness that is ever and only in Christ Jesus.
d. Vs 18 Praise God!! Our sins are remitted/forgiven, covered completely by the blood of Jesus. There is no longer an offering for sin. You cannot improve upon Christ's work!!! It is so perfect that He is seated, watching the victory of it play out until His last enemy, death, is completely defeated! Believe it! The Justified shall live by faith!