The Need to Need and Believe in Love
“God is Love.” “For God so Loved” “By this we Know Love.” “We Love because we were Loved First.” We must be loved. We must spend ourselves loving. Love does make the world go ‘round. You really are nobody ‘till Somebody loves you.
The fallenness of man destroyed Real Love. The fallenness of man did not destroy the need for love. The fallenness of man did not destroy the need to love. The fallenness of man in the fallen world does little but paint a picture, day and night, in a million different ways the fallenness of the perverted need to love and be loved and the rage of not loving and being loved. In our fallen flesh we hate and despise each other in our insatiable need to love and be loved. We have no end to our attempts to use and abuse each other to be loved or rage and hate because we are not loved.
Love does make us somebody. If nobody loves you - who are you? What happens if you lose your earthly somebody who loved you? Is it better to have love and lost than to have never been loved at all? Maybe not.
And then there is God Love. He chose to Keep and Love us. But it is by faith for now and that is what makes it so hard. Yes, we can know it by faith and we do - But - it is not the fulfillment of our need. We truly need to feel His Touch of Love and really Hear His Words of Love and to love Him back. But we have to wait for that and when the pain of having to wait comes from still being in the perverted using and abusing of this fallen world it seems like the cruelest thing of all to have the promise of it put in front of you but never be truly reachable until a later time. That makes it often excruciatingly hard to keep believing in love when you so desperately want and need it to be manifested in its fullness and it can’t yet be had.
Isn’t that the real agony of life? To have been created for perfect love and perfect loving and not have that or do that in its fullness? That being true even if one is loved and loving in its best possibility in this world. It is never enough, never pure enough, never deep enough, never big enough.
The consolation and hope can only be that there is Love at all. And there is - in and by Him who Is Love. Let our Hope and Faith in that be bigger and stronger than the pain and suffering agony of having to wait for its perfect fulfillment.
Somehow acknowledging the present perversion of love, the agony of the need of love and presently only having a taste of True Love, the Promise of Love to truly come makes it possible to rise up and wait just one more day. We Need to Need and Believe in Perfect Love.
For now, for just one more day, let’s acknowledge each other’s agony for Love and weep with one another in and for the need of it.
For now, for just one more day, let’s rejoice together for the Taste we have now of the Promise of the Full and Perfect Love and Loving to Come.
As I finished typing this and turned to eat the food granted me to have for my breakfast, I thought - For now, for just one more day, let’s try to be reminded by each and every Love Blessing we are given in this day, that we are, even now, Being Perfectly and Truly Loved by Perfect Love Himself. Thank You, my Dear, Good Father for the food Your Loving Hand so Loving placed on my table.