Introduction to the Epistle to the Hebrews
God Has Given Us His Word!
Hebrews 1:1-3a
Written To Whom? The book is written to the earliest of Jewish believers, possibly those in Rome, but we are not sure. Early Jewish believers were under severe persecution by Old Test. Jews. Lest they be tempted to forsake Jesus and return to the law system they knew for so long, the writer unveils the superior Glories of the New Covenant and its Great High Priest. It was probably written before the destruction of the temple before 70 AD as that destruction is not mentioned.
Written by Whom? As to the human author, we don't know. Possibilities include Barnabas, Apollos or, the Apostle Paul. Although modern textual criticism denies Paul's authorship, I think there is evidence of strong "Pauline" influence. Since Paul and Barnabas traveled together for some time, that may be reason to consider Barnabas. He was also a Levite and closely connected to the Apostles and the church in Jerusalem (Acts 4:36, 9:27, 11:19-26) The epistles' claim to Divine Authorship is much clearer. See 3:7, 9:8, 10:15 where the Spirit's teaching in the Old Testament events and shadows flow into the interpretation here.
Central Teaching: 8:1-6 The Glories and superiority our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ, as our One and Only Mediator between God and man, and the superiority of New Covenant in His Blood.
The Author's Goal: See Jesus—2:9, 3:1, & 12:2-3; Believe in Jesus/Hold fast, be diligent to draw near to God through Jesus Christ our great High Priest—3:12, 4:11, 6:1, 9:28, 10:19-25, 12:1-2 This is ever and always the Triune God's "method"—whatever our trial, dilemma, or confusion, SEE JESUS! Look unto Him, the author and finisher of our faith. 12:1-2!
1:1 God!!!!!!! The profoundest of salutations. The I AM Who is before all things has spoken!
A. He "spoke in time past to the fathers" (OT Jewish emphasis)—notice—in various ways. In parables, shadows, direct revelation (thus saith the Lord), through many men, particularly the prophets. (see I Peter 1:10-12, II Peter 1:20-21)
1:2 A. But in these last days. Remember, the last days begin with Jesus, and here's why. God has given us His Last Word, and that Word is His Son. He has spoken by His Son and there is nothing else that needs to be said! The Son is God's complete, total, and absolutely sufficient Word on everything that has to do with man. He gave us His Word and we are commanded to bank on His Word!! (Phil 4:19)
B. Vs 2b "Whom He has appointed heir of all things." Ps 2:7-9; Isa 53:10-12; John 16:15 & 17:2; Rom 8:16-17; Eph 1:9-11; Col 1:16 Here's the point. If you are Christ's, you are not your own—He owns you!! Quit pretending that you belong to you and your stuff belongs to you! He has inherited you by His glorious work. I Cor 6:19-20
C. Vs 2c "Through Whom also He made the worlds." The Son is the Word of creation. He is the Voice of God calling light out of darkness, giving substance and order to that which was formless and void. Ps 102:25-27, Col 1:16-17
a. The Word of Creation has come to reclaim, restore His creation! (Eph 1:9-10)
1:3a A. "Who being the brightness of His Glory". Isa 40:3-5; John 1:14; II Cor 4:6 In the OT law & prophets, God spoke of His Glory, gave "light shows" from time to time. But in Jesus, He "enfleshed" His Glory! He's right there for us to see! This is crucial because of Rom 3:23. "For all have sinned fall short of the Glory of God/"
B. "the express image of His Person" John 1:18 "the 'spitten image' of His Father! II Cor 4:4; Col 1:15, 2:9/contrast Deut 4:12. He is so much like His Father that He is His Father's total pleasure! Matt 3:16-17 Notice that the Father's proclamation was regarding the "enfleshed Christ'! The Son is the fullness of the Godhead bodily!(Col. 1"9) I say this with utmost God fearing respect--God couldn't cram anymore God into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ than He did! All of God is in Him, our Glorious God/Man!! He is completely God and completely man.
C. "and upholding all things by the Word of His Power" Col 1:17; Ps 75:2-3/I Sam 2:8 The only reason that this old fallen world does not implode or explode in flames is because our Creator Jesus sustains it by His word as Creator and Sustainer. He is building His Church, He is carving out stones for His Glorious Temple (Eph 2:19-22) out of this old quarry, this earth, and when the last one is in place, the Father will give Him the Word and He will say, "that's all folks". (Matt 24:36)
Hear then, The Word of The Lord! He is the subject of this book! Heb 8:1-2
God Has Given Us His Word!
Hebrews 1:1-3a
Written To Whom? The book is written to the earliest of Jewish believers, possibly those in Rome, but we are not sure. Early Jewish believers were under severe persecution by Old Test. Jews. Lest they be tempted to forsake Jesus and return to the law system they knew for so long, the writer unveils the superior Glories of the New Covenant and its Great High Priest. It was probably written before the destruction of the temple before 70 AD as that destruction is not mentioned.
Written by Whom? As to the human author, we don't know. Possibilities include Barnabas, Apollos or, the Apostle Paul. Although modern textual criticism denies Paul's authorship, I think there is evidence of strong "Pauline" influence. Since Paul and Barnabas traveled together for some time, that may be reason to consider Barnabas. He was also a Levite and closely connected to the Apostles and the church in Jerusalem (Acts 4:36, 9:27, 11:19-26) The epistles' claim to Divine Authorship is much clearer. See 3:7, 9:8, 10:15 where the Spirit's teaching in the Old Testament events and shadows flow into the interpretation here.
Central Teaching: 8:1-6 The Glories and superiority our Great High Priest, Jesus Christ, as our One and Only Mediator between God and man, and the superiority of New Covenant in His Blood.
The Author's Goal: See Jesus—2:9, 3:1, & 12:2-3; Believe in Jesus/Hold fast, be diligent to draw near to God through Jesus Christ our great High Priest—3:12, 4:11, 6:1, 9:28, 10:19-25, 12:1-2 This is ever and always the Triune God's "method"—whatever our trial, dilemma, or confusion, SEE JESUS! Look unto Him, the author and finisher of our faith. 12:1-2!
1:1 God!!!!!!! The profoundest of salutations. The I AM Who is before all things has spoken!
A. He "spoke in time past to the fathers" (OT Jewish emphasis)—notice—in various ways. In parables, shadows, direct revelation (thus saith the Lord), through many men, particularly the prophets. (see I Peter 1:10-12, II Peter 1:20-21)
1:2 A. But in these last days. Remember, the last days begin with Jesus, and here's why. God has given us His Last Word, and that Word is His Son. He has spoken by His Son and there is nothing else that needs to be said! The Son is God's complete, total, and absolutely sufficient Word on everything that has to do with man. He gave us His Word and we are commanded to bank on His Word!! (Phil 4:19)
B. Vs 2b "Whom He has appointed heir of all things." Ps 2:7-9; Isa 53:10-12; John 16:15 & 17:2; Rom 8:16-17; Eph 1:9-11; Col 1:16 Here's the point. If you are Christ's, you are not your own—He owns you!! Quit pretending that you belong to you and your stuff belongs to you! He has inherited you by His glorious work. I Cor 6:19-20
C. Vs 2c "Through Whom also He made the worlds." The Son is the Word of creation. He is the Voice of God calling light out of darkness, giving substance and order to that which was formless and void. Ps 102:25-27, Col 1:16-17
a. The Word of Creation has come to reclaim, restore His creation! (Eph 1:9-10)
1:3a A. "Who being the brightness of His Glory". Isa 40:3-5; John 1:14; II Cor 4:6 In the OT law & prophets, God spoke of His Glory, gave "light shows" from time to time. But in Jesus, He "enfleshed" His Glory! He's right there for us to see! This is crucial because of Rom 3:23. "For all have sinned fall short of the Glory of God/"
B. "the express image of His Person" John 1:18 "the 'spitten image' of His Father! II Cor 4:4; Col 1:15, 2:9/contrast Deut 4:12. He is so much like His Father that He is His Father's total pleasure! Matt 3:16-17 Notice that the Father's proclamation was regarding the "enfleshed Christ'! The Son is the fullness of the Godhead bodily!(Col. 1"9) I say this with utmost God fearing respect--God couldn't cram anymore God into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ than He did! All of God is in Him, our Glorious God/Man!! He is completely God and completely man.
C. "and upholding all things by the Word of His Power" Col 1:17; Ps 75:2-3/I Sam 2:8 The only reason that this old fallen world does not implode or explode in flames is because our Creator Jesus sustains it by His word as Creator and Sustainer. He is building His Church, He is carving out stones for His Glorious Temple (Eph 2:19-22) out of this old quarry, this earth, and when the last one is in place, the Father will give Him the Word and He will say, "that's all folks". (Matt 24:36)
Hear then, The Word of The Lord! He is the subject of this book! Heb 8:1-2