Be Followers of God as DEAR CHILDREN
Ephesians 5:1-21
5:1 Imitators of followers? While the Greek word means “imitators”, in this day of cheap imitations of just about everything, I think the KJV “followers” is preferable. The “therefore” implies that all that Paul is about to say is in the context of, flows out of, the preceding teaching.
“As dear children”. This following is because God is our Father and we are his children. He “raises” us to behave properly in His family! Recall I John 2:12, “I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you FOR HIS NAMES SAKE.” We bear the name of our Father, no longer of our former father, the devil, (2:2; Jn 8:44) so now we are to bear the Family likeness!
5:2 Learning how to walk!!! “And walk in love”. Paul likens our behavior in the family to walking. 5:2 “Walk in love”; 5:8 “Walk as children of light”; 5:15 “Walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise.” Recall Paul’s words in Eph. 4:1, ‘walk worthy of your calling.” & 4:17, exhorting us to not walk as the Gentiles walk. It reminds us of I John 2:6, “He that says He abides in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.” And then John launches into His wonderful exposition of “walking in Love”, and makes it plain that this kind of walking, this kind of behavior is not optional, and verifies the Life of God within us. Paul is doing the same thing in our text in his usual “forceful” style, leaving no doubt what this “walk” looks like! Remember, this manner of walking must come from the inside, out of the hearts that cry “Abba Father” . (Rom. 8:15-17; Gal. 4:4-7)
“As Christ also hath loved us, and give Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice....”
It is as though Paul is saying that Christ Jesus, our Great High Priest has exemplified for us the living out of Rom. 12:1 for the children, who are a nation of priests. (Rev. 5:9-10) We are to be a sweet smelling savor to our Father, our great God and King. This walking in love as Christ has done, spells death to self centeredness, ego driven motivations. Wherever we go, whatever we do, is to flow out of the Love environment God has “shed abroad in our hearts by His Spirit.” (Rom. 5:5)
5:3-7 Once again (see 2:1-3; 4:22-32), Paul lays out contrasting walks. Please note that Paul is not addressing the repentant believer’s warfare with the “body of death” that he still resides in. That is dealt with in Romans 7. The New Testament is written to a mixed multitude, with a wheat and tares understanding. These sins are so frequent and obvious that they have made a name for themselves. Corinth was already there! Homosexuality has the name of a city–Sodom. These are all diametrically opposed to a walking in love, being living sacrifices one to another. Don’t let anyone claim that these are no big deal, for these mark the walk of the children of disobedience! (Vs 6, 2:2) And those who practice these things will receive their just judgment. Do not dabble in their delusions! To “overlook” or make light of any of these sins in the assembly of the children will soon lead to the destruction of the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (4:3) The “little” sins of 5:4 are just as damaging, even historically more so, than the “biggies” of 5:3.
“But rather giving of thanks.” (4:b) A heart full of thankfulness to the Father has little room for the selfish lusts of idolatry!!! (I Thess 5:18)
5:8-10 “For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you light in theLord: WALK AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT.”.....
Do you remember when walking in darkness was normal? Running into walls was normal, stubbing your toe was normal. And of course, it was someone else’s fault. This has never been more true than in our day–light is dark and dark is light and taking responsibility is unknown!
Children of Light walk in the Spirit, and He is fulfilling the righteousness of the law within us (Rom. 8:4) and the fruit that He bears in us “in all goodness, righteousness, and truth” so that we know what is the acceptable will of God. This is the process Paul speaks of in Rom. 12:2. And it is this Light in the Lord, this Family Characteristic, that awakens us to the hidden things of darkness in our own souls. This is foundational to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
5:11-13 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” It would appear from these three verses that the best reproof of the unfruitful works of darkness, the list of vs.3-5, is Spirit fruit of vs 9. It is the Light that makes manifest the evil of sin and the light of “goodness, righteousness, and truth must shine brightly! “Issue Christianity” seems to always gather a crowd, but historically has not been effective and usually degrades into a political campaign. We are called to speak the truth in love, in our words and our behavior. Just a thought: It seems that in this age of TV, movies, and streaming video, we also fellowship with the darkest of darkness. I am questioning my fascination with murder mysteries!
5:14 “Wherefore He says, Awake you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.”
This verse is a bit confusing. Who is Paul referring to as the speaker? It seems to me that the close context refers to the one walking in the Light. His life and walk is one of Light in the Lord (Vs 8), and everything about him is to be a gospel call! May the Holy Spirit trim our wicks, enlarge the fruit of goodness, righteousness, and truth in our souls, our light shining bright on a hill!.
5:15-16 “See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.”
Circumspect: “Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences, prudent.” Heed the warning of Ps. 7:14-16. The Spirit born wisdom that is from above (James 3:17) recognizes the ditch and avoids the path toward it before he falls into it! (Prov.23:27)
Satan has dug a lot of ditches for us, they are named for various forms of entertainment! It’s not that the “games” are evil in themselves, but apart from the exercise of wisdom, they lead to obsession and a “waste of time” that can never be replaced!!! Many forms of entertainment can be an act of worship, if they cause thanksgiving & praise to our God and Father. But the line is very fine that divides between worship and a waste of time!!!
5:17 “Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”
This verse brings us back to vs 9-10. The Children of Light walk in the fruit of the Spirit, walk in all goodness and righteousness and truth. This is the “internalized” will of the Lord. And this is most clearly manifested in us as our minds are renewed through the Living Sacrifice process of Rom. 12:1-2. This becomes our decision making boundary upon worship and time wasting!
5:18-21 And here is what the Will of the Lord looks like–“And be not drunk with wine wherin is excess (a giving over to the flesh): but be filled with the Spirit.”
Actually, the evidencing of the Will of the Lord, the manifestation of the filling of the Holy Spirit makes up the rest of the book of Ephesians. Paul deals with each category of relationship that the redeemed encounter in this fallen earth. This is what a “wise walk” looks like!
5:19 Where as drunkenness is fleshes victory, a Spirit filled heart, filled with the melodies of redemption, that alone pleases the Father. Notice the making melody in the heart is to the Lord! This is more than just singing Psalms, hymns, & spiritual songs out loud. This is a heart that is living unto the Lord in all things. If the melody is out loud, there is a embarrassment at any personal praise for it wasn’t intended for personal glory.(I Cor. 1:27-31)
5:20 This is the “content” of the lyrics of a Spiritually melodious heart–thanksgiving to our God and FATHER in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ IN ALL THINGS. The hymn “It Is Well” is the best “outward” melodious example that I know.
5:21 & following: Our next study will “flesh out” this submission issue. Notice for now, the submission spoken of here is the “SUBMITTING YOURSELVES ONE TO ANOTHER IN THE FEAR OF GOD.” This is an “inside out” thing, a Spirit birthed behavior. There is no room for “shepherding” found here. No human leader can cause this or demand this, it is out of each members “Fear of God” alone. The fear of man has no place here!
Ephesians 5:1-21
5:1 Imitators of followers? While the Greek word means “imitators”, in this day of cheap imitations of just about everything, I think the KJV “followers” is preferable. The “therefore” implies that all that Paul is about to say is in the context of, flows out of, the preceding teaching.
“As dear children”. This following is because God is our Father and we are his children. He “raises” us to behave properly in His family! Recall I John 2:12, “I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you FOR HIS NAMES SAKE.” We bear the name of our Father, no longer of our former father, the devil, (2:2; Jn 8:44) so now we are to bear the Family likeness!
5:2 Learning how to walk!!! “And walk in love”. Paul likens our behavior in the family to walking. 5:2 “Walk in love”; 5:8 “Walk as children of light”; 5:15 “Walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise.” Recall Paul’s words in Eph. 4:1, ‘walk worthy of your calling.” & 4:17, exhorting us to not walk as the Gentiles walk. It reminds us of I John 2:6, “He that says He abides in Him ought himself also to walk, even as He walked.” And then John launches into His wonderful exposition of “walking in Love”, and makes it plain that this kind of walking, this kind of behavior is not optional, and verifies the Life of God within us. Paul is doing the same thing in our text in his usual “forceful” style, leaving no doubt what this “walk” looks like! Remember, this manner of walking must come from the inside, out of the hearts that cry “Abba Father” . (Rom. 8:15-17; Gal. 4:4-7)
“As Christ also hath loved us, and give Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice....”
It is as though Paul is saying that Christ Jesus, our Great High Priest has exemplified for us the living out of Rom. 12:1 for the children, who are a nation of priests. (Rev. 5:9-10) We are to be a sweet smelling savor to our Father, our great God and King. This walking in love as Christ has done, spells death to self centeredness, ego driven motivations. Wherever we go, whatever we do, is to flow out of the Love environment God has “shed abroad in our hearts by His Spirit.” (Rom. 5:5)
5:3-7 Once again (see 2:1-3; 4:22-32), Paul lays out contrasting walks. Please note that Paul is not addressing the repentant believer’s warfare with the “body of death” that he still resides in. That is dealt with in Romans 7. The New Testament is written to a mixed multitude, with a wheat and tares understanding. These sins are so frequent and obvious that they have made a name for themselves. Corinth was already there! Homosexuality has the name of a city–Sodom. These are all diametrically opposed to a walking in love, being living sacrifices one to another. Don’t let anyone claim that these are no big deal, for these mark the walk of the children of disobedience! (Vs 6, 2:2) And those who practice these things will receive their just judgment. Do not dabble in their delusions! To “overlook” or make light of any of these sins in the assembly of the children will soon lead to the destruction of the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (4:3) The “little” sins of 5:4 are just as damaging, even historically more so, than the “biggies” of 5:3.
“But rather giving of thanks.” (4:b) A heart full of thankfulness to the Father has little room for the selfish lusts of idolatry!!! (I Thess 5:18)
5:8-10 “For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you light in theLord: WALK AS CHILDREN OF LIGHT.”.....
Do you remember when walking in darkness was normal? Running into walls was normal, stubbing your toe was normal. And of course, it was someone else’s fault. This has never been more true than in our day–light is dark and dark is light and taking responsibility is unknown!
Children of Light walk in the Spirit, and He is fulfilling the righteousness of the law within us (Rom. 8:4) and the fruit that He bears in us “in all goodness, righteousness, and truth” so that we know what is the acceptable will of God. This is the process Paul speaks of in Rom. 12:2. And it is this Light in the Lord, this Family Characteristic, that awakens us to the hidden things of darkness in our own souls. This is foundational to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
5:11-13 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” It would appear from these three verses that the best reproof of the unfruitful works of darkness, the list of vs.3-5, is Spirit fruit of vs 9. It is the Light that makes manifest the evil of sin and the light of “goodness, righteousness, and truth must shine brightly! “Issue Christianity” seems to always gather a crowd, but historically has not been effective and usually degrades into a political campaign. We are called to speak the truth in love, in our words and our behavior. Just a thought: It seems that in this age of TV, movies, and streaming video, we also fellowship with the darkest of darkness. I am questioning my fascination with murder mysteries!
5:14 “Wherefore He says, Awake you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.”
This verse is a bit confusing. Who is Paul referring to as the speaker? It seems to me that the close context refers to the one walking in the Light. His life and walk is one of Light in the Lord (Vs 8), and everything about him is to be a gospel call! May the Holy Spirit trim our wicks, enlarge the fruit of goodness, righteousness, and truth in our souls, our light shining bright on a hill!.
5:15-16 “See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.”
Circumspect: “Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences, prudent.” Heed the warning of Ps. 7:14-16. The Spirit born wisdom that is from above (James 3:17) recognizes the ditch and avoids the path toward it before he falls into it! (Prov.23:27)
Satan has dug a lot of ditches for us, they are named for various forms of entertainment! It’s not that the “games” are evil in themselves, but apart from the exercise of wisdom, they lead to obsession and a “waste of time” that can never be replaced!!! Many forms of entertainment can be an act of worship, if they cause thanksgiving & praise to our God and Father. But the line is very fine that divides between worship and a waste of time!!!
5:17 “Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”
This verse brings us back to vs 9-10. The Children of Light walk in the fruit of the Spirit, walk in all goodness and righteousness and truth. This is the “internalized” will of the Lord. And this is most clearly manifested in us as our minds are renewed through the Living Sacrifice process of Rom. 12:1-2. This becomes our decision making boundary upon worship and time wasting!
5:18-21 And here is what the Will of the Lord looks like–“And be not drunk with wine wherin is excess (a giving over to the flesh): but be filled with the Spirit.”
Actually, the evidencing of the Will of the Lord, the manifestation of the filling of the Holy Spirit makes up the rest of the book of Ephesians. Paul deals with each category of relationship that the redeemed encounter in this fallen earth. This is what a “wise walk” looks like!
5:19 Where as drunkenness is fleshes victory, a Spirit filled heart, filled with the melodies of redemption, that alone pleases the Father. Notice the making melody in the heart is to the Lord! This is more than just singing Psalms, hymns, & spiritual songs out loud. This is a heart that is living unto the Lord in all things. If the melody is out loud, there is a embarrassment at any personal praise for it wasn’t intended for personal glory.(I Cor. 1:27-31)
5:20 This is the “content” of the lyrics of a Spiritually melodious heart–thanksgiving to our God and FATHER in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ IN ALL THINGS. The hymn “It Is Well” is the best “outward” melodious example that I know.
5:21 & following: Our next study will “flesh out” this submission issue. Notice for now, the submission spoken of here is the “SUBMITTING YOURSELVES ONE TO ANOTHER IN THE FEAR OF GOD.” This is an “inside out” thing, a Spirit birthed behavior. There is no room for “shepherding” found here. No human leader can cause this or demand this, it is out of each members “Fear of God” alone. The fear of man has no place here!