From the Shadow Sanctuary to the Greater Tabernacle
Hebrews 9:11-15
This is a test!!
Vs 11 1. What are the "good things to come" (or "that have come")? Heb. 10:1
John 17:24; Rom 8:18-23; Eph 1:3-11, 18-21; Col 1:12-13
2. What did the shadow tabernacle portray?
What was it's purpose? Ex 25:22, 29:38-46, 30:6, 36; Lev 16:2
3. What does this "greater & more perfect tabernacle refer to?
Heb 8:2; John 14:23; Rom 12:1; Individual members: I Cor 3:16-17, 6:19; II Cor 6:16; United in one building: I Peter 2:4-10 + Eph 2:19-22 + Rev 21:9-21
Note: The New Jerusalem, the Lamb's wife, is measured as a cube, same as the holy of holies! Rev 21:15-16
Vs 12 1. Why was it necessary for our High Priest to the Most Holy Place with his own blood?
2. What is the main difference between His Priestly service and that of the OT covenant?
Vs 13 1. How did the blood of animals sanctify and purify in the old covenant?
2. What did the ashes of a heifer do? Num 19; Rom 7:24, 8:3-4, 10-11
Vs 14 1. Why the mention of the Eternal Spirit in this verse? Rom 6:4; 8:11
2. What does it mean, "purge your conscience from dead works"? Heb 9:9; Rom 2:14-15; I Tim 1:5, 19, 3:9, 4:1-2; Titus 1:15
Vs 15 1. What is He doing as the Mediator of this new covenant, and why by means of death? II Cor 11:25-26